~* Hungan  *~


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Character Bios






Codename: Hungan
Name: Unknown
Age: Unknown
Powers: Limited Sorcery, Soul-Stealing
Episode Appearances: African Storm
Originally from: Kenya, Africa

The Hungan is a dreaded foe from Storm's past. Apparently he once was worshipped by a small tribe of Kenyan's, almost as a god, until the true, greater powers of Storm drove him out, and she was proclaimed their Goddess. When she left, he assumed power, but his desire for revenge was not so easily slaked. Taking with him some of his elite tribesmen, he journeyed to Bayville and captured Storm's soul in his scepter, taking control of her body and powers.

The other X-Men and especially Spyke (who shattered his scepter) spoiled his plans, and last he was seen was being hurled into the ocean by a Storm powered hurricane.