Season 4 - Impact



Episode Guides

Character Bios







Star: Magneto, Xavier, Rogue, Nightcrawler, Mystique
Appears:Cyclops, Jean Grey, Xavier, Wolverine, Beast, Shadowcat, Rogue, Scarlet Witch, Toad, Blob,
Cameos: None


Apocolypse teleports with the Eyes of Ages into Yucatan Peninsula Mexico on an ancient temple. Soon he uses his powers to cause a dome-like energy to encase it.

The Professor is on Cerebro looking to see if there are any signs of Apocolypse, but it's unsuccessful. Beast comes in and says he doesn't know anything about it either. Xavier sighs and says there is nothing else they can do and asks how is the kids taking care of it.
Rogue is sitting by a water fountain when Logan comes in and tries to comfort her. She's a bit reluctant and is mad since the professor is keeping Mystique around the institute. Logan says that since Xavier knew how much it affected her she gave it to the Brotherhood.
At the Brotherhood Manor, Toad is dancing with the stone Mystique, but Blob pops in and takes her out so he can strap her on the roof. Pietro flings by and takes it and puts it in the kitchen cupboard. Wanda comes down and tells the boys to get a life, but they soon start laughing when the statue of Mystique falls on Lance.

Rogue walks towards a gazebo and looks out into the sea, but Kurt pops in and yells saying that the professor gave their mother to the Brotherhood. Rogue gets mad, but then says she doesn't care and runs away. Kurt pops up in front of her asking why she doesn't feel angry. Rogue counters sarcastically and leaves.

Rogue walks by Kurt's room where she hears talking. Rogue peeks in and sees Kurt talking to the stone Mystique. She FREAKS out, but Kurt tells her that she can't hurt them. Rogue counters saying that she still is. Kurt tells her that they should hate her for doing what they did to them. Rogue tells Kurt to take it out of the mansion or she will and runs off. Kurt sighs deeply but the sound of water dripping catches his attention. Kurt looks at Mystique and sees a tear.

Kurt brings it to the professor, but he still can't see a spark of life. And if she is alive he doesn't know how to get into it. Beast thinks that the tear is condensation and that nothing changed. Kurt gets upset and teleports out. But before the professor and Beast can say anything, Jean comes in and says that Apocolypse made it's first move.

In the X-Jet Scott, Logan, Kitty, Jean, Beast, and the Professor start to watch the news program describing the dome on television, but Scott turns it off and they are off. Simultaneously, Magneto is at Egypt when he heard the news and is off. He gets a lot of metal from weapons and compiles it to make a metal orb. Others are mad because they don't get to go, but Magneto said that it's because there will be one survivor and it's him. He soon takes off.

At Mexico, the X-Men are trying to talk to the Mexican authorities to they can get information on the dome They let them and the X-Men start off by shooting particle beams to get a reading inside. It starts to work at first, but it soon starts to explode one-by-one. Beast sighs and moves on to plan "B."

Beast puts special gloves on Kitty so that the negative energy wouldn't harm her. Xavier instructs her to NOT phase all the way in and just release the probe. Kitty nods and phases her hands through. Although during the middle of the phase her hands get stuck and the probe short-circuits. Kitty falls on Logan and Beast throws the probe in the air before it explodes. Cyclops asks if he can blast it, but Xavier says not to have any aggression upon it. Jean points up and asks about Magneto.

Magneto is up in the sky and is released form his orb. Although he plans to awaken Apocolypse and allows the dome to get full-speed and hit the dome. He also gets multiple tanks and allows it to crash on it, but it doesn't have any affect. Magneto then brings in three satellites from space and makes two crash down. This awakes Apocolypse who seems a bit pissed. Magnto tries to throw one back at him, but he dodges it and throws it back to Magneto who dodges it. Apocolypse seems that he had enough with a wave of his arm Magneto disappears and is gone. Everybody sees this from afar and are at awe.

Kurt is walking back and forth awaiting Agatha Harkness. She soon arrives and Kurt asks if she can fix Mystique. Agatha says no but Rogue can. Rogue appears and asks if it was true that she's the only person who can do that. Agatha explains that all she needs to do is absorb Mystique's power for a second and she will be fine. Rogue is reluctant but Kurt talks her into it. Rogue sighs and looks at her mother, but before she can touch her with her barehands she pushes her off of the gazebo and sends her crashing into dozens of pieces below. Kurt teleports to the bottom distraught. Rogue sobs and walks away.