Season 1 - Shadowed Past


Episode Guides

Character Bios







Stars: Nightcrawler, Rogue, Mystique
Appears: Xavier, Wolverine, Quicksilver, Magneto, Jean Grey, Cyclops, Shadowcat, Spyke, Avalanche, Toad, Blob
Cameos: None

Rogue is talking on the phone as Kitty climbs into bed and snuggles a stuffed dragon  Rogue thanks someone for a book she's borrowed and tells them she has to go, she has finals tomorrow. She turns in too, but starts to have a nightmare.
A woman is yelling at someone, calling them a monster and asking what they've done to a baby. She runs from a castle carrying the baby, but wolves start to chase her. Magneto comes after her as well. She ends up on a rope bridge as the wolves catch up to her. She tries to keep the baby away from them, but she ends up dropping him into the river below. Rogue wakes up screaming.

Everyone rushes into the girls' bedroom to find out what's going on, and as Rogue is telling them about the nightmare she realizes that the baby in her dream was really Nightcrawler. The prof asks Jean, Rogue and Nightcrawler to come down to the library where he reads Rogue's mind. The prof is able to see the woman's face and realizes it's Mystique. He also watches as a couple scoop Kurt out of the water and Mystique watches them from a distance and then turns and walks away.

Xavier tells them that Rogue is really experiencing the repressed memories of someone that she's touched, someone that has knowledge of Kurt's past. Kurt believes that they're his memories and he wants the Prof to read his mind and see if he can find out more about his real parents. Xavier tells them not tonight that he'll try to find out more tomorrow, but he doesn't tell any of them that it was Mystique in Rogue's dreams.

After school Rogue and Kurt talk about finding their real parents and Kurt gets upset. He 'ports away as Jean and Scott walk up. The three leave together and Mystique, who was disquised as another student and overheard Kurt, walks around a corner and morphs into her self.

She sends Quicksilver in to the mansion with a note for Kurt to meet her in the new mall construction area. Xavier senses Quicksilver in the mansion. Kurt finds the note under his door and 'ports away. Wolverine makes his way into the castle and finds that it has been used as a DNA lab, but everything there has been trashed. He finds a bomb, and is just able to make it out of the castle before the whole place comes down. Xavier send Jean and Scott into Kurt's room to find out about Quicksilver's visit. Jean finds the note.

At the construction site Kurt finds Mystique. He asks her who she is and she pulls back the hood and calls him son. Kurt freaks out, but before more can be said the Brotherhood show up. They knock out Kurt, but the other X-Men show up and a fight ensues. Rogue steals Avalanche's power and tries to stop Mystique from running off. Mystique tells her it's too late for answers and when Rogue causes a quake she turns into a raven and flies away.