Message To Carol Ameche May 12, 2003
At Adoration

"My dearest daughter, I am your God and Father. Be filled with peace now. Let us begin with words for My people. 'My beloved people who pray and hear My words, be at peace. You have seen, and many have experienced directly, terrible events of weather and attacks of Nature. These will continue, faithful children. Those who have come into eternity are being touched and encouraged by your special prayers for them. Believe that all have begun to pray for you. This fulfillment of My many warnings regarding fierce storms and damaging tornadoes is a mighty reminder of the truth of all My words to you. I beg of you to take seriously all the invitations to increased prayer for your country, and the need for your ultimate preparations for increased destruction and for the needs of so many who will come to you in the greatest need and most fragile conditions of mind and spirit.

Please begin immediately the use of prayer of imagination with which you are now gifted as a further means of your own readiness to handle huge numbers of people who will be broken in spirit and terrified in mind and, in many cases, in body too. When you see devastation of this magnitude and hear these survivors who are now moved to a greater appreciation for the value of human life, you can more easily allow yourselves to spend time in this new kind of prayer and preparation. You see the power of Nature and what an overwhelming weapon it is in the hands of evil people. The warnings and descriptions of events to come that you have rejected as fear based ramblings begin to occur, as My Plan escalates.

Do you still disbelieve words of My simple and weak messengers? If you only realized how much they pray and suffer for you. I am a God of Mercy, My beloved ones, Who speaks and acts to bring a renewal to the earth and to the minds and lives of all people. To rid creation of evil will require an ongoing display of the power of evil in wars and natural events. Your prayers are weapons, My dearest holy ones. You ARE My holy ones when you accept the sacramental cleansing of Reconciliation; and then let go of your own haughty ways and become the humble and obedient instruments of healing and mercy for souls and the lives of those who are then graced and gifted to receive the salvation My Son died to obtain for all mankind. As you see many brought into eternity in subsequent events, those of you who are accepting the enlightenment of the Holy Spirit and repenting of personal sin, be assured that your prayers accompany them and enable salvation to be accepted, to be chosen by most of these souls.

These fierce storms signal a time of increased union between Heaven and all Our faithful ones. Rejoice and praise Me, little darlings of My Will. Be even more grateful for whatever My Will allows in your lives. Unite your sufferings to the Passion of Jesus. Realize that the battle intensifies, and My need for your promises intensifies with it. You are My beloved holy ones as you live My Commandments more purely and your commitments to every person in the world more deeply. You are the Keepers of the Family of Man, My dear ones.'" Carol Ameche