Message via Louise Starr Tomkiel, V+J, May 16, 2003- (10:20 a.m.)
    Louise began to receive a message from Jesus and said, "Jesus, please cover me with Your most Precious Blood."

    Then Jesus said, "You, chosen of My Heart, faithful, loving, obedient remnant; you who gave to Me your fiat: from this day forward you will do only My Will to assist all those in need.

     You are My eyes!  You see the needs of others and respond.  You see the state of your country, your world and all life and you act.

     You are My ears!  You hear the cry of the poor and you pray. You hear praise but you also, hear much hate and you respond with love, with prayer, with patience.

     You are My hands!  You reach out to all in need--human, animal and vegetation.  You lend a hand.  You respond.  You assist.  You lay on hands and Mine (Jesus) touch and heal to bring peace and mercy and strength.

     You are My feet!  You walk bravely to assist.  You walk in My army as a soldier of your Jesus, your God, to fight for Truth, for Love, for Justice.

 You walk to the enemy and face him with My strength.

     You are My Heart!  You love one and all.  You forgive and do not judge.  You pray for love and peace to consume the hearts of all mankind. You have become My reflection on earth.

     You no longer are N._____(your name) but God in you.  You can now assist many souls through prayers, healing, miracles, words, touching, loving, for IT IS I THROUGH YOU performing these acts.

     You are My humble remnant who have responded to My call.  You belong entirely to Me and I live in you.  Each of you has a specific job to perform which makes up My Body on earth.  Continue taking Me, My Body and Heart, to every corner of the earth.  Spread My love, mercy, strength to all.

     Thank you, My special, chosen, loving, faithful children for responding to My call.  You are greatly blessed, for as you follow Me, many
will follow you for they see Me in you.  The love I have for you will never cease.  Continue in humble prayer and listen to and follow your Master's Voice."

End of message