Last Messages from Heaven

Message via L., V+J
October 4, 2008- - -11:30 A.M.
Feast of St. Francis
L. began to receive a message from God and said, "Jesus, please cover me with Your Most Precious Blood."(and other various prayers used for testing the spirits)
Then Father God spoke, "Your country is infested with military from a land NOT OF ME!  What you will see next is soldiers everywhere in a strange looking uniform.  They will target your military academies , i.e., Air Force in Colorado, Army in New York, Navy in Maryland, and all bases around your country.
    They are ruthless men whose only concern is to destroy all people  who believe in Me and follow Me.  Around your country are thousands of detention camps, to be used to torture you for your faith.  Pray for great strength and hold out until the end and Heaven awaits My faithful ones!  Be strong and help one another.
    These men, this, the devil's army, surrounds you for not all are in uniform.
    Those of you who wear symbols of Me or of Mary are at even greater risk.  I AM WITH YOU UNTIL THE END- - -I WILL NEVER LEAVE MY OWN!!!
    All must happen to separate the wheat from the chaff.  Be prepared in all the ways I have told you.  Extremely little time is left!  My words ARE being lived.  Amen!"

SEPT. 30, 2008- - -2 p.m.
L. began to receive a message from God  and said, "Jesus, please cover me with Your Most Precious Blood." (and other various prayers of testing)
Then God spoke, "An erupting volcano will blow firey lava high into the sky while molten lava runs down its sides.  The fire will flow quickly through cities, towns and villages before it rides on the water of streams, creeks, lakes and rivers.  It will leave a path of death and total destruction.
    What goes up comes down-- the lava blown into the sky will be carried far and wide by the winds.  As it runs over waterfalls it will again settle on dry, parched land.  Uncontrollable fires will be abundant nearly everywhere.
    My Just Punishment is now upon you.  You live lives of deplorable sin.  My Arm, My Hand is falling and I will sweep My earth clean.  I will leave but a tiny remnant of people and animals. You will live off the land as was meant to be but mankind has destroyed My plans, earth, life of every kind.
    Now YOU will witness destruction as NEVER before seen destruction by FIRE!  Nuclear war and a Chemical War will greatly assist in spreading this destruction.
    Amen My remnant, little ones, AMEN!  Hear! Prepare! Obey!  Pray! Be ready at every moment!  All will be as I say for I am God and My word is true!"

Message to Louise September 16,2008

Message via L., V+J
Sept. 16, 2008- - -10:25 P.M.
L. began to receive a message from God and said, "Please Jesus cover me with Your Precious Blood."
Then your God spoke, "In a very, very, very short period of time the stock market will crash and banks will close.  These people who have money, stocks, bonds, etc. will in an instant, have absolutely nothing.

    A one world government will rule, reign with unheardof power.  There will be NO love, justice or any true faith to be found anywhere.

    Keep the faith!  Perservere!  Pray!  Trust in Me!  Support one another.

    DO NOT ACCEPT THE CHIP!!!  This will be an extremely hard time as the devil himself will try to possess many souls.  These years, the trials, the illnesses will far exceed the depression of the 1930's.

    Cling to Me!  Pray for great strength and to resist temptation.  Amen, I tell you, THIS DAY IS NEARLY UPON YOU!!!"

Message via L., V+J
September 15, 2008- - -2 P.M.
Feast of Our Lady of Sorrows!
L. began to receive a message from God and said, "Jesus, please cover me with Your Most Precious Blood."
Then God spoke, "Daughter, USA has sold its self to down the drain.  Soon you will be completely bankrupt.  You are, as a country, in debt trillions of dollars.
    Because of your financial AND Godless situation Martial Law will quickly take over.  You will be under the control of all the countries you buy from.
    USA IS the richest country on earth!  You are totally self-sufficient!  Government leaders, big industry and  banks rule.  Millions of people are out of work for mostly all jobs  are gone. Imports are everywhere from food, clothes, cars, furniture, tools, electronics, etc.
    Everything, yes USA, everything IS poisoned! People can't afford clothes, needed utitlities, everyday necessities.  Germs and sickness are everywhere.
    Your Government has failed you.  Most leaders are Godless, money loving people who have absolutely NO concern for anyone but self.
    USA, you will suffer severely!  Much of your land and thousands of people along with My creatures will be destroyed- - -forever!  All of your money will have NO value.  You will buy NOTHING without the 'mark of the beast' implanted under your skin!
    Watch and see as the forthcoming election will bring about many changes none of which will be good.  USA has been sold by Godless men to Godless nations for self-achievement.
    The punishment will come quickly and be extremely severe."

Message via L., V+J
Sept. 1, 2008- - -11:20 P.M.
L., began to receive a message from God and said, "Please cover me with Your Most Precious Blood."(and other various and numerous prayers of testing the spirits)
Then your Father, God spoke," The face of the earth is changing drastically. Soon it will be unrecognizable.  I will punish all for their sins as destruction sweeps across the entire earth.  Storms of every kind along with fires will purge My people and all land.
    Too few are answering My call.  I have been teaching you and warning you for thousands of years.  You are tired of hearing My words and have returned to your sinful ways.
    The final call is coming!  Warnings will cease!  I will leave you in the hands of your self-chosen false gods.  As you do unto Me so I will now do unto you.  Just as the doors of the Ark were closed and sealed so too will My Heart, My Mercy be closed to all you who have cast Me aside.
    Every inch of the earth, every person will soon know MY JUST WRATH.  Suffering and death will prevail.  No one, absolutely  no one, will escape his/her punishment for each and every sin committed willingly.
    Amen, I tell you that I will build again after all has been purified.  This cleansing will worsen hourly.  Amen, I say, watch and be ready for the hour is indeed upon you.  Pray, return to Me, convert, change.  Amen, so be it!"

Message via L., V+J
August 8, 2008- - -1:30 P.M.
L. began to receive words from God and said, "Jesus, please cover me with Your Most Precious Blood." (and other various prayers of testing)
Then God spoke, "Many, many, many millions of years ago, I, your God, spent six days creating the world.  On the seventh day, the Sabbath day, I rested and looked at all I had done.  All was good and I was satisfied.
    Today I look over all creation and I am very displeased, very angry, for man has ruined all that was good and pleasing to Me.
    Man lives his own rules:  hate, greed, lust, murder, control, sloth.  Man has ousted his True God for gods of every inconceivable evil.  Nothing on earth is pure, souls of so many people,- - -leaders, religious, teachers, parents, doctors, lawyers and My little children- -all are discolored with hideous sin but THESE MEN TEACH THAT THERE IS NO SIN- - -IF IT FEELS GOOD DO IT!I
    I am cast aside, My words are no longer heard.  Death IS the reward for sin.  Not just death of the body but ETERNAL death of your soul.  SATAN AND HELL await you.
    Amen!!!, hear My word!  Follow it!  Live it!  Convert!  Get your minds and thoughts and acts out of the gutter of sin and filth!  Today is THE day to return to Me.  DO IT IMMEDIATELY!!!"
