Common Name Celestial eye
KeepingThese are extremely delicate fishes and need to be handled with great care and by expert aquarists. As their name implies, their eyes look upwards like staring at some celestial object. Since the eyes are projecting upwards they have poor eye sight and often find it difficult to locate the food. Floating foods will be better for them. Their body is similar to Telescope eye and usually come in bright orange colours. There are also other colours such as metallic, calico etc.. Usually all these are very slow swimmers and they are not competitive. The eyes are prone to injuries and consequent fungus and so on. So care should be taken not to keep any sharp objects such as gravel, strong plants, wood etc.. in their tanks. Normally kept in a barren glass tank with external HOB filters and may be live plants of soft variety such as Cobomba. They cannot be kept with any other species or other gold fish. They have to be on their own tanks. Given good conditions and space they can grow from 3 to 5 inches long, excluding fins.
BreedingSelect a pair of healthy male and female. You can have multiple males and females breed together as a mass. Have a 20 Gallon breeding tank with some plants and a sponge filter which does not produce a very strong water movement. Water level to be not more than 6 inches. Clean conditioned water should be provided. After introducing the male and female condition them with live foods for a week. Then make a 40% water change with cool fresh water. You can add some ice to the water to make it cool before adding it to the tank. The drop in temperature will stimulate the fish to breed. The male chases the female vigorously, but not violently. The female is pushed to a corner and the male shimmies around the female. Eggs and sperm are released and eggs get fertilized. Eggs are colourless and sticky. They normally stick to plants. Parents may eat the eggs so remove them after spawning. Males can be identified by small tubercules near the Gill covers during breeding period. Normally male will be less rounded than female and will chase her around mostly.

Eggs will hatch after 4 or 5 days. Eggs can be spoiled by fungus, spoiled eggs are white milky coloured. So keep the gentle filter action and add a few drops of methylene blue to the water. Fry may need freshly hatched brine shrimp to start with. They grow fast and soon should be able to eat powdered flakes and other vegetable matter. Good quality fry can be obtained only if the parents are strong and healthy.

Origin TempWaterTemper SizeTankFoodBreeding
Japan65-75°F7.2-7.6 pH Very Peaceful3-5 inch20G Tanks All, wormsEgg layer

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