It is always handy to have the following simple condioners with you.

   I am listing below some of the commercially available products which you might find in any aquarium pet shop. Some of these are worth buying. I will leave the choice to the user.
Picture Commercial Name Usage
Stress Zyme Contains 100 million live bacteria per teaspoonful to enhance the growth of any biological filter. Use to set up and maintain any freshwater or marine aquarium. Prevents exposure to toxic ammonia and nitrite. Treats up to 60 gallons per ounce.
BioZyme Living nitrifying bacteria and enzymes to convert lethal ammonia and nitrite to nitrate. Quickly establishes new aquariums. Reactivates biological activity after medicating. Each pack treats 250 gallons.
Nitrifying Bacteria Used for conditioning a new aquarium. Contains over 300 million action packed viable bacteria for rapid initiation and completion of the nitrogen cycle. One packet treats 60 gallons.
Cycle A biological filter supplement that establishes new aquariums quickly and safely. Accelerates biological activity and reduces sludge and organic wastes naturally.
Bacter Vital Cycle your aquarium faster and more effectively than you thought possible. These university researched formulas contain all-natural biological catalysts and over 600 species of microrganisms. Not nitrosomonas or Nitrobacter dependent. Helps create a truly natural ongoing cycle within your aquarium.
Tropical Clear TRapidly clarifies fresh water tanks and dramatically reduces maintenance. Aquaculture grade flocculant combined with a special blend of billions of natural sludge-eating bacteria. Helps clear particulates such as excess proteins, fish waste, uneaten food and other unhealthy and unsightly matter. 1 teaspoon treats 20 gallons.
Bright N'Clear Removes chlorine and excess phosphates as it clears your tank water. 4 oz. treats 400 gallons.
Clear Water Removes odors and cloudy water conditions form established aquariums. Used at half strength Clear Water will remove iron from tap water.
Trans Clear Freshwater aquarium clarifier. Removes suspended organic and inorganic material. 4 oz. treats 240 gallons.
Instant Amazon Recreates rainforest conditions in your aquarium. Encourages spawning behavior and fertility. Dramatically enhances growth for aquarium plants without adding nitrates or phosphates. Biologically discourages algae and parasites. Enhances biological filtration. For use with Discus, Angel Fish, Dwarf Cichlids, Tetras, Killies, Gouramies, and Rasboras.
Living Water Vital Dramatically enhances the growth of aquarium plants without adding nitrates or phosphates. Enhances biological filtration while discouraging algae and parasites. For use in all community tanks, livebearers, africans, goldfish, or planted aquaria.
Rift Lake Vital An ideal water treatment for African or Central American Cichlids. Replaces necessary biological trace elements. Contains beneficial microbes to compete with disease causing organisms. Enhances color and stimulates fertility and spawning. Encourages nitrification and helps eliminate odors. Nontoxic to all aquatic life. 16 oz. bottle will treat 55 gallons for up to 6 months.
Amazon Rain Formulated for hard-to-keep "soft water" fish such as discus, tetras, severums and angels. Contains all of the necessary components to help maintain a stable pH and provide the proper water chemistry. Use 1 tsp per 10 gallons.
Cichlid Buffer Specially formulated pH buffer and alkalinity adjusting system for African Cichlids. Formulated to provide a stable pH in the range of 7.8 to 8.2. Dissolve one teaspoon to a cup of water and add as needed.
Amazon Blackwater tonic. Simulates tropical waters and promotes natural behavior. Contains peat concentrate with beneficial humic and tannic acids. Conditions tap water and adds an authentic brown color. Treats up to 250 gallons.
Cichlid Lake Salts Simulate the natural enviroment of most cichlids. Contains essential minerals and trace elements. Phosphate and nitrate free. 250 gram powder treats up to 1600 gallons. 500 ml liquid treats 1000 gallons
Black Water Extract Creates natural amazon river basin water conditions. Promotes appetites and spawning. Great for Discus and Angelfish. Treats 250 gallons.
Keta Peat Nuggest Water conditioning filter media for use with all rain forest fishes and plants. Contains Ketapang, the Asian breeder's secret with oak and black peat. Helps amplify color, as well as increasing fertility and spawning. Replicates real blackwater with herbal and mineral extracts containing fulvic and humic acids, natural vitamins, hormones, trace elements and enzymic activated biocatalysts discovered in the Amazon and Asian rain forests. Enhances biological filtration. Use 1 cup per 20 gallons. Place into filter bag and into your filter system.
Keta Pang Vital Asian breeder's secret for color amplification, fertility, immune enhancing and water conditioning. Enriched with natural probiotics, growth factors, vitamins and trace elements. Can be used alone or in combination with blackwater additives such as Instant Amazon or Keta-Peat Nuggets. Use 1 teaspoon per 10 gallons. Double dose in hard water. Add with every water change.
Discus Buffer Acidifies water to the range of 5.8-6.8. Also softens water by removing calcium, magnesium, and other divalent cations. Compatible with Neutral Regulator. Freshwater only. 250 gram powder treats over 800 gallons. 500 ml. liquid treats 250 gallons.
Neutral Buffer Adjusts and maintains pH at 7.0. Removes chlorine and chloramines, and toxic metals. 250 gram powder treats over 800 gallons. 500 ml. liquid treats 1000 gallons. Freshwater use only.
pH Up Raises pH, makes your aquarium water more alkaline. Fast acting and colorless.
pH DOwn Lowers pH, makes your aquarium water more acidic. Fast acting and colorless.
Acid Buffer Phosphate and carbonate free buffer lowers and stabilizes pH in the acid range of 4.0-6.8. Freshwater use only. 250 gram powder treats 1600 gallons. 250 ml liquid treats 500 gallons.
Alkaline buffer Phosphate and caustic free buffer raises and stabilizes pH inthe alkaline range of 7.4-8.4. For freshwater use only. 250 gram powder treats 800 gallons. 250 ml liquid treats 500 gallons.
Malawi/Victoria Buffer Blend of carbonate salts to adjust the pH and increase the hardness and buffering capacity of your African Cichlid aquarium. Maintains pH of 7.8-8.4. 250 gram powder treats up to 1600 gallons. 500 ml liquid treats 1000 gallons.
Tanganyiaka Buffer Blend of carbonate salts to adjust the pH and increase the hardness and buffering capacity of your African Cichlid Aquarium. Maintains a pH of 9.0-9.4. 250 gram powder treats up to 1600 gallons. 500 ml liquid treats 1000 gallons.
Proper pH Automatically sets pH and adds needed electrolytes. Neutralizes chlorine in tap water, detoxifies heavy metals and contains aloe vera to help heal skin wounds and torn fins. Each container treats over 200 gallons.
Vita Chem Freshwater Freshwater formula contains over 30 natural extracts and amino acids. Excellent for fin regeneration and lateral line disease. Use two drops per gallon, once a week and several drops on food a few times a week.
Tetra Easy Balance Eliminates frequent water changes. Keeps aquarium water biologically balanced for 6 months. Stabilizes pH and alkalinity. (KH) levels for fish and plants. Reduces phosphate levels for improved water quality. Also adds vitamins and trace elements. Use 1 teaspoon per 5 gallons weekly. Freshwater use only.
Aqua Plus Removes chlorine and chloramine from tap water. Neutralizes heavy metals and coats scales and fins to protect against scrapes or cuts. Use when setting up a new aquarium, with every water change, and when transporting fish. For freshwater or marine use.
Heavy Metal Neutalizer Neutralizes metal from ground water and medications, required for a vigorous nitrogen cycle. Very effective, dry media for maximum potency. Treats up to 300 gallons.
Complete care One step water conditioner for fresh water. Removes chlorine and chloramine while detoxifying ammonia and heavy metals. Helps replenish slime coat on fish lost during transport, illness or other times of stress. Vitamin enriched formaldehyde free formulation.
Amquel Instant water detoxifier. Eliminates deadly chlorine, chloramines, and ammonia. Use with water changes and in crowded aquariums. 16 oz. treats 960 gal.
Start Right The original and still the most complete of all water conditioners. Removes chlorine and neutralizes copper while naturally stimulating fishes protective slime coat to help guard against secondary infection. Use one teaspoon liquid per 10 gallons, or one teaspoon crystals per 5 gallon.
Ammo Lock 2 Works instantly in fresh or saltwater to detoxify ammonia produced by fish water and other organics within your aquarium. Eliminates ammonia stress and protects healthy fill function. Locks up ammonia into a nontoxic form and removes chlorine and chloramine.
Cichlid Grow Growth stimulant for African Cichlids. Rich in magnesium and potassium in addition essential trace elements. Helps African Cichlids fight disease and maintain vibrant color. Use 1 tsp. per 20 gallons.
Fresh Solution The ideal all natural, multi-purpose additive to enhance your aquarium. Provides essesntial vitamins and minerals to help stimulate appetite, maintain exceptional health and keep colors vibrant. Excellent for use with discus. Each bottle will treat 150 gallons for 30 days.
Aqua Flourish Unique formula contains 17 anti-oxidants and aquatic vitamins for outstanding results. Improves the color, health and longevity of your fish and plants. 1 tsp. treats 10 gallons.
Tank Soft Lowers total hardness of aquarium water and helps prevent pH bounce. Fast acting and easy to use liquid formula. 16 oz. treats up to 180 gallons.
Cichlid Vital Promotes breeding, vitality, and disease resistance. Enhances natural colorations. Treats 500 gallons.
Multivit Vitamins Turns vitamin deficient dry food into high grade nutrition. Improves your fishes willingness to spawn and increases disease resistance.
Blue Holdex Stimulates fishes own natural slime coating, adds extra oxygen holding capacity, and should be used when fish are weak or crowded.
Algae Destroyer Contains the most effective algaecide available. Controls the growth of unsightly green and brown algae in freshwater aquariums. Use one teaspoon per 10 gallons. Please read label for full instructions.
Aquarium Clean Eliminates compounds from aquarium water that helps algae to thrive. Natural-bacteria based product actually lives in your substrate to continually fight against algae growth. 1 oz. treats up to 900 gallons, while the 8 oz. container treats up to 7,200 gallons.

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