Name: ..................

Email: ...................

Contact number: (preferably mobile phone number)

1) What is your age group ?


2) What do you think of hamsters ?

Cute .............i..... Not at all Not sure A little Quite Very
i.. Not at all Not sure A little Quite Very
Troublesome...... Not at all Not sure A little Quite Very
Expensive ........
ii Not at all Not sure A little Quite Very
Fun to play with i Not at all Not sure A little Quite Very

3) Do you own a hamster ?

Yes (proceed from Question 4a) No (proceed from Question 4b)

4a) How many hamster do you own ?

4b) Would you consider getting one ?

.. Why:

5) Which of the following types of dwarf have you heard of ? (you may tick as much as you want)

Sapphire winter white Normal winter white Pudding winter white Black bear campbell

Roborovskii ............... Pearl winter white.... Albino campbell ....... Blue campbell

None............................ Others: (pls state if any)

6) How much are you willing to pay for a common dwarf hamster ?


7) How much are you willing to pay for a rare dwarf hamster ? (those you can't get in shops)


8) Which method would you prefer to buy your hamsters ?

.. Others:

9) Will you want to buy dwarf hamsters through home delivery services ? (pay only when hamster id delivered to your door step)

.. Why:

10) Any other comments ?
