Mendis' Family


My Audio Setup
Musical Enjoyment is the key

First of all, special thanks to Marcus, Tk, Choon seng and Jonhigh for their help in my hifi journey! They have helped me tremendously!

I started my journey in 1998. Actually, I have started my interest in hifi since I was 15 years old. My first setup was an Arcam Alpha 3 integrated amplifier, Philips CD692 cdp and mission 760i speakers (Still using in bedroom!).

Theta Chroma DAC & Marantz CD-16D.

The interest died down soon after I got into the polytechnic. It was only after my University did I rekindle the fire!

ProAc Tablette 50 on Standesign Z-stand sand filled.

I actually used the old system for several months. The first to get replaced was the cdp. I got the marantz cd63se.

Tweaked power socket with 'Magic' cones from Audio Industries. Clarity and imaging improves.

After that purchase, things really got a little crazy. I replaced everything! To cut the story short, I must have tried a dozen amps, speakers, cables and cdp.Today, I enjoy musicality, dynamics, good PRAT, good soundstage and refinement.


rear of ProAc Tablette 50. XLO pro jumpers & Taralabs Ref Gen 2 speaker cables.

rear of Adcom GFA-2. Taralabs RSC Prime Gen 2 IC & modded IEC receptor.

Cardas RCA caps. rear of LS7.

Taralabs Air 3 interconnects. Space & Time power cord.

I sold away my Powerpack IIp after I found out its 'Evils' in my system. After several days of evaluation, I settled for this DIY power strip and Jonhigh's DIY conditioner.Now I get fluidity, still enough control and imaging with lush, expressive details!