Disease & Treatment

The ugly part of having a betta is what to do with a very sick fish? There are many types of diseases that the betta can catch. Not all of it can be fully cured. While others, can be cured, but your fish will never look the same again. Here is a list of disease, what to look out for and the some of the recommended treatments.");

For general prevention of diseases, Always ensure that the water is clean. Food for the betta should also be clean anmd fresh when fed to them. Use Interpet No.10 Methylene Blue in the water used for keeping the fish in as it is the general disease prevention formula from Interpet.

Disease Name

White Spot


Small white spots on the body of the fish


Use Interpet No.6 Anti-White Spot and a daily water until the spots dissappear.

Disease Name

Fungus, Fin Rot


White fluffy cotton looking stuff on the body or fins showing bleeding on the edge and the fin is rotting away.


Use Intetpet No.8 Anti-Fungus & Fin Rot with a daily water change. Should the fin rot persist and not get better, double the dosage. Stop medication when the fins are seen growing back.

Disease Name



Fish may be clamped and the body showing patches of thin white/gold coating.


Use Interpet No.7 Anti-Slime & Velvet with a daily water change.

Disease Name



Stomach is bloated and scales will protrude, especially around the stomach area. Serious cases will also cause body scales to protrude as well.


Until now, there is no known cure for dropsy, the disease will go away after treatment, but it will come back again. If detected early, try using Interpet No.9 Anti-Internal Bacteria together with Epsom salt and a daily water change.

Disease Name



Eating like a pig, but no wastes are produced. Stomach is bloated but scales are not protruding.


Use Ocean Free Chinese Herb for Anti-Internal Parasite with Epsom Salt. Also feed clean live food

Disease Name

Swim Bladder Disorder


Fish is having a problem swimming properly. There are two types of swim bladder problems. One is having difficulty swimming up while the other is staying afloat and cannot swim down.


Use Interpet No.9 Anti-Internal Bacteria or Japanese Yellow Powder in the early stage when the problem just started. If developed into the later stage stage, there is no known cure yet. It is also possible for the fish to make a full recovery.

Please note that what I have put up is what I have learnt from my own experience as well as reading on the topics from sources from the internet and books. It may not apply to all cases and if there are any obvious errors in it, please feel free to tell me about it.
All pictures are personal pictures, and would appreciate it if you can ask for permission before using any of the pictures.