Library Information

Monday To Thursday
10:00am to 1:50pm
10:00am to 12:50pm
Media Lab
Not Open
Not Open

After School Hours
Monday to Thursday
2:00pm To 4:00pm
1:00pm to 3:00pm
Media Lab
2:15pm To 4:00pm
1:15pm to 3:00pm

Time may Change according to circumstances

General Loan Rules
1 Students need to have their student's pass in order to use any library equipment, books or other library materials
2 students making use of the library must be in proper school attire
3 Borrowers are responsible for all library materials on loan to them. They must not sub-lend them.

Borrowers must return or renew their books when due. The due date is stamped on all date due slips in the books

5 All library materials are deemed to be on loan until the loans are cancelled at the circulation counter.
6 Borrowers must replace library materials lost or damaged.
7 A class visiting the library must be accompanied by the teacher-in-charge.
8 Students are entitled to borrow 4 books for a period of 2 weeks.

9 Students' bags and satchels are not to be taken into the library
10 Before leaving the Library, students are to show their books to the librarian at the exit for checking.

What you Should not do in the library
1 No food and drinks allowed
2 No loud discussions or talking
3 No rough play and running about in the library
4 No rolling around the library on the swivel chairs
5 No vandalising
6 No entering of media lab without entry pass or permission from Mr Maxx or Librarians at the counter
7 No vulgarities allowed in the Library
8 No non-Librarians allowed in the counter area .
9 No borrowing not library hours or library period unless otherwise

No Changes are to be made unless with the permission of Mr Maxx


MRL Head of Discipline, Ms Lim Qiujin