Ekitoku Chouhi

Personal Information

Ekitoku Chouhi (益德張飛), her historical character is Zhang Fei. Her seiyuu is Minori Chihara. Her hair / eye color is black / red. She is from Chengdu High School (Seito Gakuen), 1st Year Student.

Ryuubi's best friend and an avid snack-lover. Although quite weak, history states that she will one day become so powerful that legends will tell of her matching 10,000 men, which makes her well-known around town. She has already performed such a feat, although on a much smaller scale, when Kyosho first assaulted Seito to search for Ryubi.

The bossy Chouhi is frustrated that Ryuubi is not the powerful Toushi she is meant to be as Seito's leader. Despite that, she is still best friends with Ryuubi and Kan'u. She is strong enough to throw Kan'u several stories into the air. In the end, she is seen in a restaurant with Kouchu.

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