Koukin Shuuyu

Personal Information

Koukin Shuuyu (公瑾周瑜), his historical character is Zhou Yu. His seiyuu is Satoshi Hino. His hair / eye color is black / purple. He is from Nanyang Academy (Nanyo Gakuin), 2nd Year Student. One of the Four Devas of Nanyo.

Hakufu's rich, attractive and well mannered cousin that has a crush on Hakufu, generally making life very difficult for him since she and her mother are staying with him. Oddly, Hakufu doesn't seem to mind being naked around him, showing how much she trusts him. But at times she thinks he is a pervert whenever he is caught in an embarrassing situation such as Hakufu catching him staring at her body or underwear.

He has once lost in the forest that prompted Hakufu to nickname him "The Lost Koukin-chan". As a child he was called "Crybaby Koukin" by other children, because he always cried when others bullied him. Hakufu was usually there to protect him from bullies. Koukin was unable to stop Hakufu's dragon when she fought Ukitsu; instead he got pummeled half to death in the attempt only to have Hakufu stop her dragon on her own. After hearing of Hakufu's demise, he blames Koumei for manipulating the events that led to Hakufu's fight with Sousou. However, Kan'u proved to him that it was Hakufu's choice to challenge Sousou, and her fight with Kan'u was one out of respect as Toushi and not out of hatred. This leads to Nanyo and Seito forming an alliance to face Kyosho. He is now considered to be one of the Four Devas of Nanyo, taking Kannei's place. He returns to being a student after the Battle of Chibi.

Young Shuuyu

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