Link page

Welcome to the link's page! Here, you can download things, go to websites and look at information.

This is the website for all those who want to check on walkthrough and cheats. It stores all the information of the games you want to check on. This is useful for players who play the game for the first time.

This is the official web page for warcraft.

Create a hotmail address here or if you have already got a hotmail address, you can go there to check your mail.


This website is for HTML beginners. If you feel that you would like to design a website but have no idea where to start, this is the website you ought to click:)

This is for the new MSN messenger 6! You can play games and even use webcams as long as you have MSN messenger 6. The pictures you once knew can move as well (try the bat pic to see). However, you cannot color your words anymore.

Click the picture to go back