
By Calis Cheah



I reached out in the night,

Woken by a touch of loss.

With a sense of yearning

I could not comprehend.


A strange emptiness

Echoed deep inside.

I am not whole

Without you.


Separated by worlds,

Across time and space,

Two hearts endured,

Beating still as one.


So many lives we lived,

The different names we used.

Yet, perennial like the stars,

Our love remained.


Now in another time and age,

We draw together once again.

Though it seemed like chance,

Everything was foreordained.


A new cycle's beginning,

Will the ending be the same?

Brought together by destiny,

Torn apart by fate.


For you I would break

The wheels of fate,

Turn against destiny

With these bare hands.


Share this life with me,

Never again would I be alone.

We shall grow old together,

Bound by a promise
