Just Joined?
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Just Joined?

Just joined xRouG3.n3Ox? Well, you've made a GREAT choice! Dunno what to do? Well, here are a few tips!

  • First, go introduce yourself in the chat boards. Everyone in the guild is kind and friendly! If you see any one being rude, just neomail me and i'll block him/her.
  • Next, stay in the guild for 3 days and post 3 messages. Then you can get your newbie pack! And if you take more than 1 week to get ur newbie pack when you're eligible, you're gonna be deleted. Also be sure not to quit the guild after getting it and then joining back again to get it. If we find out, we'll delete you.
    That's all! Be sure to stay active and take part in all events! Ciao!