Ulu Pandan Toastmasters Club 
Venue:  Ulu Pandan Community Building, 8th Floor, Conference Room 
170 Ghim Moh Road Singapore 279621
                 Tuesday November 2,  2004 - 7:30 pm to 9:30 pm
Mission of the Club :  The mission of a Toastmasters Club is to provide a mutually supportive
and positive learning environment in which every member has the opportunity to develop
communication and leadership skills, which in turn foster self-confidence and personal growth.
Time Agenda Duration Appointment Holders
6.45 PM Registration & Fellowship   Fellow Members
7.30 PM Sergeant-At-Arms  3 mins Tham Hock Mon
7.34 PM Toastmaster of the Evening 2 mins Lim Swe Jian
7.36 PM Opening Address 5 mins Shillina Phua, CTM
7.41 PM Word Of The Evening 2 mins *Tan Siok Bee
7:45 PM Table Topics Session 15 mins *Elise Loh
8.00 PM Timer's Report 1 min *Lyndon Chew
8.01 PM Vote for Best Table Topic Speaker 1 min Tham Hock Mon
  Prepared Speeches    
8.02 PM P5 - Your Body Speaks 5-7 mins *Fernando Young
8.10 PM P2 - Organise Your Speech 5-7 mins *Danny Teo
8.18 PM P6 - Vocal Variety 5-7 mins *James Keok
8.26 PM P7 - Research A Topic 5-7 mins Lim She Leng
8:34 PM P7 - Apply Your Skills ( old manual ) 5-7 mins Clara Tan
8.42 PM Timer's Report 1 min *Lyndon Chew
8.43 PM Vote for Best Prepared Speech Speaker 1 min Tham Hock Mon
8.45 PM B REAK 10 mins All
  Evaluation of Prepared Speeches    
8.55 PM P5 - Fernando Young 2-3 mins *Anthony Chow, CTM
8.59 PM P2 - Danny Teo 2-3 mins *Andy Lim, CTM
9.03 PM P6 - James Keok 2-3 mins *Razif Rahmat, CL
9.07 PM P7 - Lim She Leng 2-3 mins *MK Devi, CTM
9.11 PM P7 - Clara Tan 2-3 mins *Kelvin T, CTM
9.15 PM Timer's Report 1 min *Lyndon Chew
9.16 PM Vote for Best Evaluator 1 min Tham Hock Mon
9.18 PM Language Evaluation 8-10 mins *Tan Siok Bee
9.28 PM Ah Counter report 2 mins *Susan Lam
9.30 PM Presentation of Awards & Closing Address 5 mins Shillina Phua, CTM
9.35 PM  End    
  *Visiting Toastmasters