Ulu Pandan Toastmasters Club 
Venue:  Ulu Pandan Community Building, 8th Floor, Conference Room 
170 Ghim Moh Road Singapore 279621
                 Tuesday April 5,  2005 - 7:30 pm to 9:30 pm
Mission of the Club :  The mission of a Toastmasters Club is to provide a mutually supportive
and positive learning environment in which every member has the opportunity to develop
communication and leadership skills, which in turn foster self-confidence and personal growth.
Time Agenda Duration Appointment Holders
6.45 PM Registration & Fellowship   Fellow Members
7.30 PM Sergeant-At-Arms Calls Meeting to Order 3 mins Tan Teck Lee
7.34 PM Toastmaster of the Evening  2 mins James Keok, CL, CTM
7.36 PM Opening Address 3 mins Shillina Phua, CTM
7.40 PM Word of the Day 3 mins *Flora Yong, CTM
7.45 PM Prepared Speeches    
   P1- The Ice Breaker 4-6 mins Queeli Tan Poh Leng
  P2 - Organise Your Speech (new manual) 5-7 mins Adair Ngo
  P2 - Organise Your Speech (new manual) 5-7 mins Koh Aik Keong
  P3 - Get to the point (new manual) 5-7 mins Vimal Sachdeva
  P7-Research Your Topic (New Manual) 5-7 mins Robert Koh
  P10 - Inspire Your Audience 8-10 mins Clara Tan
  P10 - Inspire Your Audience 8-10 mins Lim Seh Leng
  AP1 - Persuasive Speaking 8-12 mins *Richard Tay, CTM
8.57 PM Timer's Report 1 min Lucy Tay
8.58 PM Vote for Best Prepared Speech Speaker 1 min Tan Teck Lee
9.00 PM B REAK 10 mins All
9.10 PM Evaluation of Prepared Speeches    
  P1 - Queeli Tan Poh Leng 2-3 mins *Adrain Lim
  P2 - Adair Ngo 2-3 mins *Fernando Young, CL, CTM
  P2 - Koh Aik Keong 2-3 mins *Wong Kok Wah, CTM
  P3-Vimal Sachdeva 2-3 mins *Kang Oyo Cheow
  P7- Robert Koh 2-3 mins *Foo Jit Hwee, CTM
  P10 - Clara Tan 2-3 mins *Jeff Tan, CTM
  P10 - Lim Seh Leng 2-3 mins *Tajinder Singh, CTM
  AP1-Richard Tay 2-3 mins *Tan Choong Song, DTM
9.35 PM Timer's Report 1 min Lucy Tay
9.36 PM Vote for Best Evaluator 1 min Tan Teck Lee
9.38 PM Table Topic 5 min *Richard Tay, CTM
9.45 PM Language Evaluation 8-10 mins *Flora Yong
9.55 PM Ah Counter report 2 mins Lim Swe Jian
9.57 PM Presentation of Awards and Closing Address 3 mins Shillina Phua, CTM
9.58 PM      
10.00 PM  Home Sweet Home    
  *Visiting Toastmasters