Ulu Pandan Toastmasters Club 
The Club Where You Belong
Ulu Pandan Community Building
Level 8 Conference Room
170 Ghim Moh Road Singapore 279621
Tuesday 8 May 2007
Web Site : http://www.ulupandantmc.r8.org
Email : ulu_pandan_tmc@yahoo.com.sg
Mission:  The mission of a Toastmasters Club is to provide a mutually supportive and positive learning environment in which every member has the opportunity to develop communication and leadership skills, which in turn foster self-confidence and personal growth.
Programme Duration Appointment Holders
6:45pm - Welcome to Ulu Pandan Toastmasters Club
Registration  30 mins Irene Ng
7:15pm - Introduction 
Sergeant At Arms Calls Meeting to Order 5 mins Goh Chin Kwee
Toastmaster of the Evening 4 mins Ana Juntilla
Opening Address 5 mins Loh Ming Li  CTM
Word of the Evening 3 mins Goo Yin*  CC
7:35pm - Prepared Speeches 
P4 - Working with Words 5 - 7 mins Dave Teo
P8 - Get Comfortable with Visual Aids 5 - 7 mins Angie Chew 
P9 - Persuade with Power 5 - 7 mins Li Ying
P9 - Persuade with Power 5 - 7 mins Eddie Ang
P10 - Inspire the Audience 8 - 10 mins  Tyebally Shabana 
AP4 - Speaking to Inform  5 - 7 mins Clara Tan
Timer's Report 1 min Irene Ng
Vote for Best Prepared Speech Speaker 2 mins Goh Chin Kwee  
8:25pm- Break for 10 minutes
8:35pm - Speech Evaluations 
P4 - Dave Teo 2-3 mins Shillina Phua*   CL
P8 - Angie Chew  2-3mins James Keok*  ACG/CL
P9 - Li Ying 2-3 mins David Kow*  CL
P9 - Eddie Ang 2-3mins Tommy Teo*   ATMB
P10 - Tyebally Shabana 2-3 mins Sarojini Ramalingam*   ATMB/CL
AP4 - Clara Tan 2-3 mins Chee Kim Loon*   ACB/CL
Timer's Report 2 mins Irene Ng
Vote for Best Speech Evaluator 2 mins Goh Chin Kwee
9:00pm - Table Topics
9:10pm - Table Topics 
Table Topics 8mins Loh Ming Li CTM
Timer's Report 1 min Irene Ng
Vote for Best Table Topic Speaker 1 min Goh Chin Kwee
9:10pm - Overall Evaluation
Language Evaluator's Report 15 mins Goo Yin*  CC
Ah Counter's Report 2 mins Mandar Salunkhe
9:30pm - Closing
Presentation of Awards 1 min Loh Ming Li   CTM
Closing Address 4 min Loh Ming Li  CTM
9:35pm - Home Sweet Home
Upcoming Activities
Next Chapter Meeting -  5 June 2007 
Important Note:  
Attire: Office Wear/Male with Tie /  Guest fee : S$2
CTM - Competent Toastmaster          ATM - Able TM          ATMB - Advanced TM (Bronze)          ATMS - Advanced TM (Silver)    
ATMG - Advanced TM (Gold)      DTM - Distinguished Toastmaster      CL - Competent Leader       AL - Advanced Leader       *Visiting Toastmasters
CC - Competent Communicator      ACB/S/G - Advanced Communicator Bronze / Silver / Gold       ALB - Advanced Leader Bronze      ALS -  Advanced Leader Silver
+ Appointment holder will also be evaluated for new CL Projects.