Your Yearly Analysis for 2004

You will experience much movement this year.  If your focus is on career, you may get alot of travels (domestic or overseas) due to job.  If focus in on relationship, perhaps, you get marry and move houses.  If focus in on friends, you will get invitations from friends regularly.

This is a year of major change in your life.  Horizons are expanded and growth is less impeded.  You are likely to make a number of new friends this year as social activities are expanded.  This is a year that will bring excitement and adventure and a good deal more freedom than you have experienced in recent years.  This is a time for feeling loose and free; for moving away from old routines in a constructive way. 

If you became bogged down during this past year, now is the time to seek out new directions.

The problem here is the tendency to scatter energies in all directions.  Your ability to do detail work is limited now and it will make you feel very confined.  In all, this a free-wheeling year that is liable to bring major changes to your life; your career, your family situation, your residence.









Your Yearly Analysis for 2003  

This year will be kinda tough, busy but challenging for you!

The previous year frivolity will now be truly forgotten, as the facts of life are clearly spelled out.  This is a year of hard work and effort when one must knuckle down to the task at hand.  A year of digging in and hoeing, a reestablishment of self-control.  In many ways, it is a frustrating year, when considerable effort fails to produce dramatic results.  One step forward and two back may seem to be the case most of the time.  This is an organizational period and you must look at your current and past performance in a very hard light.  It is a time to get organized and bring yourself down to earth.  Responsibilities will increase, magnifying the effort and hard work needed to maintain a reasonable level of existence.

Health and diet should be carefully scrutinized this year, as physical resistance is low and you may become more susceptible to ailments.

A tidying up of affairs is now in order, as you must make ready for a very hectic year ahead.







Your Summarized Analysis 你的年度分析