Upcoming Stories from Me


Firstly, I must state that I am not a writing machine. I take time to write, when I say time, I mean, weeks, not hours or days. I am quite fastidious about the quality of my works before I unleash it out on unsuspecting readers. Heh heh heh ^_^ Whether or not you think my stories have a certain level of quality. If you think not, well, oblige my eccentricities. To make things worse, I have to cope with the ever increasing amount of school work. Nonetheless, I hope to persevere. 

I would really like to thank all the faithful readers who have been following my stories. Their patience and encourage is all appreciated, honoured, hanged up on the wall and adored daily.

Oh yes, some spelling errors or grammatical errors, may not be errors. I follow UK English, so for those who follow US English, there may be some discrepancies. (Eg. I write Programme instead of program)

I sound so "buei hao bai" (proud) eh? hahahaha. Well, I give credit whenever it is due and I would never, never, steal someone else's ideas or works. So please repay me the same courtesy and do not steal any ideas.

The following are brief ideas that I am thinking of exploring, any feedback , criticisms and suggestions are highly valued. However, I do not tolerate flames greatly. If you want to criticise me, criticise me, I appreciate it because it is constructive feedback.  But if you want to flame, well, it is a waste of everyone's time.

Contact me at :


Mainly, the ideas for my following upcoming stuff would be, yes, sequels.


Idea I : 

Main Idea :

THE Sequel to all my Tortallan fics (except What If). 

Storyline : 

I resolve issues that were explored in MOPL, BNBC, DDDD, CNC. Yes, I know some of you out there are wondering about Jassia and Numair, Michean and Daine, Soft Streak and Bold. This sequel encompasses A LOT of quotes, such that I don't think I will mention them as I normally do. I think you will be able to recognise most of them. 

Romance : Well, there will be a love triangle between Miri, Daine and Michean. Yeah, yeah, so soap-opera. Jassia will try to boot Daine out of Numair's life and will be up to something despicable... (by the way, I don't know what is the despicable thing yet, so do suggest!)

Action : Hmmm... Well, a deer we know, gets captured by Hunters to use as bait for *gasp* a descendent of Demon Grey that Alanna killed in HOTG.

Mystery : How will the deer get out of being wolf meat? Will Numair discover Jassia's dastardly plotting?


Idea II :

Main Idea : 

Sequel to Sparrow : Lost In Tortall.

Plot Line :

I sort of ended off with a cliffhanger... Basically, the Tortallans transport themselves to me to seek my help in getting rid of Chaos... would be funny, would be interesting, and more quirky theories from me. I always wondered how TP characters would feel if they EVER read OUR fan fiction... heh heh heh... just a clue on the chaos that will come.


Yes, that's it. I am not perfect, and I am always open to criticism. Scream and suggest away to me at




Sparrow's Nest