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Freedom to speak

Power to speak

Now lets have a look at what is preached and how it is advertised Point number one is freedom:-
The total hypocrisy of SRCM, they say one think and do exactly the opposite, lets start with the concept of freedom in SRCM, how free one will be after becoming a salve to SRCM and its master.

Freedom in SRCM

Talk given by Shri P. Rajagopalachari at Cossonay, Switzerland on July 13, 2003

If I'm not free, it is impossible to speak. Pourquoi? [Why?] Because, if a bird's wings are cut, it cannot fly, no? In Sahaj Marg, we have the idea of freedom. Not, you know, the French revolution- liberty, equality, fraternity, yes I subscribe to all these things with my heart, but if you want to be free, you must allow others to be free also, because if it is freedom, it is freedom for everybody. You cannot have freedom only for yourself, and everybody else is in bondage. So this is the problem in modern world, of freedom, that some are more free, some are less free, some are not free. You see it in your politics, you see it in your economics, you see it in your civil life; some countries are more free than others, and they want to be free by not allowing anybody else to come into their countries. Babuji Maharaj said, "When you close the door of your house, you may keep others out, but remember, you have locked yourself inside." You are your own prisoner. It does not matter if the house is a small one or a big one like this hall, or a whole country; it is still a prison. Imagine if all the doors were locked now and somebody announced, "You cannot go out!" What would happen? Pandemonium. "We are not free!" And somebody says, like me or Fausto, "But it's a big hall, you see, et nous avons Chariji ici avec nous [we have Chariji here with us]." "Basta!" [Enough!] you say, you see. "What is the use of Chariji if all the doors are closed?" So, if you are to be free and the doors are to be open, you must be free to go; others must be free to come. This does not exist today. Does it exist? No. It exists for a few people at a few places at some times-not for all, everywhere, all the time. Therefore, freedom today is a lie. Yes or no? Oui ou non? (Audience: "Oui!") Non! N'existe pas, [it doesn't exist], freedom. So, Freedom is finished. And when we don't have freedom, we don't have brotherhood either. Yes, how can there be a brotherhood when you are better, she is worse, somebody is not free, somebody is free. Where is equality? Doesn't exist. So that is a second lie. And if there is no freedom and if there is no equality, there cannot be a brotherhood, a fraternity. That's all. Yes or no? Yes.

My View
Kindly note how the mental slavery is imposed, to start with SRCM say's freedom is must for all, and a void definition of freedom is made, those who accept him as master take all his words as divine, now once a definition is made on freedom, it appears that SRCM offers complete freedom, whereas opposite is true, one is made a slave, definition of freedom is given as per physical movement, people are free to move or not, this is defined as freedom, whereas people do not become spiritual because they want to move freely from one country to another, they become spiritual because they want freedom from misery of life and death, they want that knowledge which can make them immortal, the same question asked by Nachiketa to Yama in Katha Upnishad. that is what actual freedom means, and not physical movement from one place to another, a person can confine himself inside his home and still feel absolutely free, it is all in the mind, the concept of freedom is more mental then physical, physical confinement cannot be termed as slavery in spiritual life, mental freedom is what exactly looked for, this definition of freedom is make people slave to an organization as if that organization offer's complete freedom of movement, which it does, people must be free to attain SRCM functions held at different cities on Master's birthday, last time it was healed in Raipur and people from across country exercised this freedom and reached their, thereby leaving all their beloved and home and family behind just to create a festive environment, and to advertise the organization i.e SRCM and its master.

This is the concept of freedom in SRCM, about mental freedom kindly note the definition,

in Salient Points of Sahaj Marg, it states that with Sahaj Marg, abhyasis have voluntarily, whole-heartedly and devotedly surrendered it to the Master of their Soul. To those who are fortunate enough to arrive at this stage, the Master is apparently no longer a guide for spirituality alone. He has now become the Master of the abhyasis' life in all it's aspects of existence. He apparently has become the father, the mother, the son, the teacher, the doctor, in fact, there is no role that He does not play in the abhyasi's life. He has taken total charge of the abhyasi. It further states that only the surrendering to Him can bring about a state where He can take total charge of the abhyasis! (From Salient Features of Sahaj Marg, Benedictory Speech (Become Acceptable) by Parthasarathi Rajagopalachari, at Preceptors Seminar, at Babuji Memorial Ashram, Manapakkam, Chennai, India, Jan. 2001 )

Now we see that SRCM focuses on physical freedom, for its selfish motive, i.e people must be physically free to attain function and follow master where-ever he moves, thereby making them a complete slave from mind. people must be free to choose what they want, they must be free to surrender to whom they wish to surrender and not compulsorily master, their spouse can be their master’s they are going to live together a life, they must meditate upon each other thereby become one with each other, this will offer complete freedom, and not physical movement, which is the sole definition of freedom in SRCM.

Now, in Sahaj Marg, we are always saying that we are a society where there is no discrimination because of colour, race, sex, education, power etc. So we are really trying to create what the French revolution tried long ago. And tomorrow they're going to celebrate as if they have achieved these things. It is going on everywhere, all over the world. We celebrate that which does not exist. If it does not exist, what is the use of celebrating? If it exists, what is the need to celebrate? Babuji Maharaj said, "If you are conscious you are free, you are still conscious of lack of freedom." Isn't it? So freedom from freedom is the real freedom.

My View
The first statement itself contradicts the said aim, SRCM is creating a society, which implies there are other societies which are not good, and must be renounced, when you are creating a society you are already discriminating people in the basis of who is in the society and who is outside this society. therefore this discrimination is followed and people are told and made to understand that they are opposing discrimination by creating yet another society, as if enough of societies have not caused enough harm.
Now the point that they do not discriminate people is another lie, people are discriminated on the basis of their sexual orientation. kindly note observation of SRCM on homosexuality.

On homosexuality, the Master of this system in a recent speech said that unlike the churches of the world, Sahaj Marg does not perform same-sex marriages. "That is unnatural", he said. God did not intend it to be thus, he added. He then said it was a personal comment. But there are things credited to Babuji Maharaj “If God did not want two sexes, he could have as well created one and seen that the world propagated by itself."...Why two sexes? he questionned. Apparently not so that one sex should marry among themselves, according to Sahaj Marg Masters. "So, what the church may allow, I don’t have to condone or accept", he said, not mentionning what churches condones or performs same-sex marriages. "To me", Chariji said, "it is a very blatant misuse of so-called privileges of the human being, fundamental rights, et cetera. Of course, if you claim it is your fundamental right to go the dogs, so be it! Even God cannot stop it."

We have to work for all these things in our Sahaj Marg-to make, you know, our people really equal, create a real brotherhood-no more Italians, no more French, no more Indians. And therefore I am trying initially to create a Shri Ram Chandra Mission Europe. You see, like my body-I have legs, I have hands, I have a head etc. But if I don't exist, they don't exist. When I say "I" it is not the body. Everybody knows this. But still we are spending so much time and money on this body, protecting it, trying to beautify it, flaunt it, like that, you know. And we are beautiful, they are dirty, they are black, they are, you know, etc.

My View
Kindly note the term our Sahaj Marg, SM is started by some-one owned by someone and it is termed as OUR, also kindly note hypocrisy they declare that SM is for all but people are restricted to use anything which is registered and owned by SM. pls see the note on SRCM website which strictly prohibits people from using its registered trademarks, even people who are inside SRCM cannot use its emblem and logo, and this is termed as our SM. Hence it is now more then clear that SRCM is a hypocrite organization which say's something and executes something else. As a proof kindly have a look at internet policy of SRCM.
Per Master's guidance, the Mission has adopted a policy to discourage the use of online groups, chat rooms, blogs, private email distribution list or unauthorized use of third party list servers to disseminate Mission related information. Abhyasis, who require any clarification regarding their practice may direct their questions directly to Rev. Master or may seek clarification from their prefects. Those who wish to record their spiritual experiences may do so in their personal diaries which is confidential. Individuals may be referred to the Mission's / Foundation's official websites ( and ) for any information related to the Master, Mission or Method.
Shri Ram Chandra Mission, Sahaj Marg, the Mission's emblem, Constant Remembrance, Sahaj Marg Spirituality Foundation and the Foundation's Flag are registered Trademarks / Service Marks and the unauthorized use of these marks is a serious infringement and is strictly prohibited.
Any photograph, audio or video recording made at any Mission related venue or event is the copyright of Shri Ram Chandra Mission. The material may only be used for personal use and may not be reproduced or transmitted to third parties without the express written approval of the Mission, and all recordings shall be surrendered to the Mission at its request.

And this is our SM. in order to eradicate difference between Indian’s and Europeans, SRCM Europe is formed, to any thinking person this will be more then clear that SRCM is creating a society from another society, whereby disturbing the peace in the present society and people are told and made to understand that this is very important, in order to eradicate a difference, a new difference is created. I hope this explanation will be enough to prove Hippocratic nature of SRCM

So we want, first, Shri Ram Chandra Mission Europe. As I told twice in France, in Paris, you have a Europe now, supposed to be there, politically, economically. But is it true? I don't think so, because there are still, you know, invisible boundaries, invisible frontiers, localised nationalities. Until these exist, you cannot say that there is a Europe. Of course, certainly it is on the map, you see. It has been there for centuries and, fortunately, people cannot destroy that, because God created it. But we are cutting and dividing, you know, and because now it is advantageous, we are playing a childish game, a children's game. What is that game? You know that game with a lot of pieces which you put in? Puzzle, jigsaw puzzle. So, first you cut everything into pieces, now try to assemble it and say, "Oh! We have created a Europe. Voilà!" [That's it!] So first it was a few countries, eight or nine, then very gracefully, very, what should I say, generously, they included some poorer nations, including, I think, Italy, the Czech republic, Yugoslavia.

My View
Now things have been explained enough by now and readers in and out of SRCM will be able to see the hypocrisy of SRCM, which is more then evident in this para, indeed SRCM is playing a childish game of creating a new society out from an existing one, just trying to replace, shift pain from one point to another, but the pain still exist, kindly understand any society bound by rules and law's will be a society, and it is concept of society only which enslaves people and not that particular society, if you want to eradicate society it cannot be done by making another one, it will have its own problems, more-over whatever good was present in previous one will be eliminated in this new one. Hence Hippocratic nature of SRCM is proved once again.

Now suppose you are able to move these walls and make the room bigger and bigger…still there is an outside, there is an inside. Still there are doors. Still there is the power of admission, and the power of exclusion. And even then, if the doors are locked, you will be prisoners of your own creation. Yes or no? Yes. I mean, it's very clear. So until there are no walls, you cannot say, "We're a free people," because now you are only selecting the people you will accept. It is like a club, a select club, a rich man's club, a club of power, you see. Because, suppose any organization has the power of accepting or rejecting, can we say it is a free organization? Yes or no? No.

My View
This is exactly what SRCM is, a club, an exclusive club, sense of belongingness is developed in SRCM, kindly note in previous statement SRCM had stated "OUR Sahag Marg" in the very next statement they are saying they want to eradicate this feeling of belongingness an it has once again being tuned to the concept of physical freedom. I hope people by now must have understood the real nature of this cult organization. Which applies mind control methods to make people mentally slave. We are free people because be belong to our SM, and all those are slave who do not follow our SM.

Sahaj Marg has no such restriction. Everybody, from anywhere in the world is welcome. Everybody can come, everybody can go. There is no restriction. There are no fees. We are not having any restriction of education. Is it a free organisation? Is it human? Is it the real democracy of a free people, for a free people, by a free people? Yes or no? (Audience: "Yes.") So Sahaj Marg is today, in my opinion, the only organisation in this world fulfilling the requirements of this definition of Freedom, equality, fraternity. Long live Sahaj Marg! (applause).

My View
Kindly note once again how mental slavery is imposed, SRCM is said to be free organization, but if you do not buy books and CD's and make donations you do not contribute to growth of organization, which is free of course, also note the last line, "long live Sahaj Marg" and there is no discrimination, all are one, there is no difference, Such statement are ment for replacement of attachment from family and spouse and society, to organization, how is SRCM different from any other existing organization , all shout at the pitch of their voice long live my organization and they all believe that all are brothers if all are one what is the need for any such organization at all? why impose your ego on all? why create a new society? if all are one.

My aim and target is to eradicate all such organization from the face of the world, so that a true and harmonious world can be created, creating difference in name of removing it is more then foolishness, kindly wake up and leave all such organization which declare themselves to be uniting thereby creating more difference.

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My discussion on orkut about SRCM
Pls note my discussion have been removed from that group and i have been banned from posting any message. SRCM is suppose to be a spritual organisation and we see that it is not tolerent at all, and is ready to remove and discurage any discussion which exposes the true face of SRCM. this itself is a proof enough that SRCM imposes mental slavery and converts people into unthinking masses which are equivalent to animals. see this and this

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Please note:-
I will be posting my views on all topics related to SRCM and teaching of its current Master i.e Parthsarthi Rajgopalachari, one by one as and when time permits me.