On Tournement Reports and Related Analysis

It has come to my attention that there are certain individuals that disagree with the format I present my tournement reports in (which is rediculous as I post my reports in the same format as everyone else does). We live in an ultra politically correct world. To protect myself from attacks against my integrity, and the integrity of Team Malice, I am writing this disclaimer.

1) I point out my mistakes, and the mistakes of my opponent. This is to show swings in the game. It is not an attempt to brag about my skill or to degrade the skill of my opponent. I do this to accurately show how the game progresses and to account for the skill variable.

2) I indicate weather I win or lose by posting my current record after each round indicated by 1-0, 2-0, 2-1, ect. This is not to brag that I have won or complain that I have lost. It is a referance so people dont have to search about to find what the current record is.

3) I point out good/bad dice rolls for me and good/bad dice rolls for my opponent. This is not to brag about high rolls or complain about low rolls. I point these out to accurately show how the game progresses and to account for the dice variable.

4) I indicate if tile placement went better for me or my opponent. I also point out mistakes in regards to tile placement made by myself or my opponent. This is not to brag about my personal skill or to degrade my opponent's personal skill in this area. I point these things out to accurately show how the game is affected by tile placement and to account for the tile placement skill variable.

5) I place the final standings of everyone who participated in the tournement at the end of each report. This is not to brag about those who did well or to ridicule those who did not do well. This is an obvious act to depict how well each band stacked up against the other warbands that appeared that day and to depict the metagame. To suggest I do this in order to "toot my own horn" or to ridicule those who did not do well is a rediculous mentallity.

If you are offended by any of these actions I ask that you do not read my tournement reports (and those posted by the rest of the community as they are depicted in the same way). Do not flame me and provoke me into heated counter posting. This will only degrade the community and upset others, especially the moderators of the various forums who do not need us acting like children and making their jobs harder.

Jason Phillips aka Shadow Fox, 1/26/05
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