Question (For Nicole) of the Week
Q: What is your worst fear?
The BooBoo Article
By Patti W. January 9, 2002
A: Well, I'm pretty much a scardy cat, and I fear many many many things.. But the most fearful fear I have is the death of a loved one. That is the worst fear that I have.. I have many fears about bad things happening to myself, but nothing at all compares to what I can think of that can happen to any of my family members. My parents think that I'm so ungrateful, and that I'm "mean" to them.. My mom even said a couple times, "You must wish I was dead.. then you'd be happy." I HATE it so much when she says that.. I always end up crying, because I cannot stand to imagine that.. Then she says, "The one who cries the loudest is the most guilty." I dunno about that, but it makes me feel even worse. I'd rather kill myself than have one of my parents get hurt. That may sound a little extreme, but I'm sure I would do that. You know, another thing that sounds extreme, but true.. it's something that I feel.. But, you can tell if you truly love someone if you are willing to die for them. Just think about someone. Anyone. And ask yourself, "Would I die for this person?" If it's a yes, then you love that person. If it's a no, then it's just a superficial relationship.
BooBoo #1:  Pet Peeves.
Yeah, they bother me too. It gets really irritating too. Like you're talking to someone and when they talk, they keep on taking these BIG deep breaths with their NOSE! And it makes this gross nose sucking up sound too. And the person's not even sick! Another thing that's really irritating is this tongue clicking thing some people have when they talk. After every sentence, "click!" Aghh..
But hey. Who am I to complain? I'm sure I have pet peeves of my own that bug people.. I can't think of any now though.. You know.. at school, I'm always so stressed and I look like a mess. It's awful. That's my own personal pet peeve.. I'm also SUPER tired.. Ah well..
Dear Nikki, I really like this guy, but he's so quiet and he really doesn't seem like he likes me, but I can't help but to like him!! Ahh! What should I do??
                                  ~Confused Girl in need of answers
Dear Confused Girl in need of answers,
Do you like the strong and silent type? If so, then you should try a little harder with this guy. If not, then you should just leave him alone..From what I see, it seems to me that you do not like his silence..But if that is not the case, you can try to open him up to get him to say that he likes you if in fact he does..However, this "opening up" would require him to be not the silent type.. I'm sorry Confused Girl in need of answers, but I really don't think that this is the guy for you.. But if you really seriously like him... try telling him that you do. He might just be a shy quiet guy who likes you but is too shy and quiet to tell you! Besides, it won't hurt anything.
Movie Ratings
Vanilla Sky-*** 1/2
This really was an awesome movie. I saw it twice! But I advise you only to see it once, and you'll like it more that way. But it totally makes you think differently about the way life is and how your dreams work.. It also makes you appreciate your life no matter how crappy it may be :)
A Beautiful Mind-** 1/2
This was an alright movie. Kinda reminded me of Vanilla Sky. It was a bit boring in the beginning but got better.
The Majestic-****
This was a SUPER good movie! The beginning kinda sucked,  but it got SO GOOD in the end! Jim Carrey was really good in his *serious* role in this movie.
Monsters Inc.-****
This movie was really good, I had a LOT of laughs! You may think it sounds childish..That's what I thought too.. But it was really good, so you should see it!
Harry Potter-***
The movie was okay..Never read the books before. It was better than I thought it would be though. Pretty interesting and some parts were cute.
My Utopia...
I am attracted to peoples' personalities. This is one of the reasons why I love the internet chat service. You get to meet someone before you know what they look like. This way, you can see how a person actually is, even though you do not know what they look like. And what actually attracts or disattracts you to the person is their personality. I think that is how the world should be. If people could see the inner beauty of everyone else, which would then attract them to those people, the world really would be a better place. In many cases, people just marry other people for good looks, and the relationship is completely fallible. And what is this about money? Ever hear of marrying for love? It just makes me sad that people get together with others just for looks or money. I think that if a person has a good heart, they should be the most attractive person, even though he or she looks bad on the outside. Sadly however, society models the "Perfect" image people through magazines. People who are supposedly gorgeous creatures, who are really in fact men and women who starve themselves, people who have sold their souls to the media. These are not real people. We shouldn't try to be people we can never be, by going through endless amounts of surgery, trying to perfect our bodies, when we could really be trying to perfect our souls. In the end, all of our bodies are just going to be a compost heap in some graveyard. Our souls, however, will still exist. Whether they are in heaven or hell is up to us. In my Utopia, people are judged by their inner character, not their fame, looks, or money.
Issue #2
Here I shall tell you about the movies I have recently seen and give you my rating of it! (4 stars is the highest)
Click here to look at previous issues of the Useless Information Page!