Title: Patience Game

Author: KiAnson

Rating: G

Pairing: Rideshipping (Ash x Lara Laramie)

Disclaimer: Neither of us own pokémon. Pokemon belongs to Satoshi Tajiri, Nintendo, Game FREAK, 4Kids, Shogakukan Comics, and a lot of other companies, from 1995-2007.


Lara waited as she hoped she would see him once again. Even though, he probably was somewhere far, she still waited. Lara pretended to go through her days as normal but her heart hurts once in awhile. Sometimes, it will be jealous of a certain water pokemon trainer. But the last time she saw her with him, he pushed her away as gently as he can. That was on television few months ago. It made Lara feel odd relief. One day, she was taking care of her Ponyta. She felt a touch. She turned around to Ash smiling. Before Lara say anything, Ash kissed her on the spot. “I’m home.” He spoke as he held her tight. All she could say was: “Welcome back”


Received from KiAnson on 5/4/07 by Shadow/Phantomness, posted with her permission