Whee! Another chapter! I’m so glad midterms are over but Japanese is such a hard class!

Maybe this’ll be last chapter… nah, maybe not.


Chapter 13


            Egypt entered into its Golden Age, ruled by the Pharaoh and his Six Priests. This reign lasted twenty years, until a sudden plague again struck the palace and all were killed within days of one another. The kingdom dropped into mourning, and the legends of the Sennen Items began to fade…

            The Items themselves were never found, though treasure-hunters sought them alike. It was rumored that the Seven were buried together with their owners…

            In any case, no one knew exactly how the Pharaoh and his Court had died, but no one wanted to pry. Surely it must have been a terrible dark force…

            So rumors spread, and finally, it was general consensus that they had sacrificed their lives to seal the Shadow Realm. Certainly, the Games were never played again…

            Until three thousand years later, when a young painter called Pegasus created the game of Duel Monsters…


            Yugi Motou was just a regular high school student. He was short, got bullied a lot, loved puzzles and games, and was generally nice…

            His only friend was a girl named Anzu, who he also had a horrible crush on. Unfortunately, Anzu seemed completely oblivious to Yugi’s problems…

            She was a bit more interested in the handsome transfer student from Egypt.


            Mahaado smiled serenely as he entered the classroom. He caught sight of several students eyeing him, and mentally noted that they’d become his newest set of ingredients. It was a pity his Pharaoh was feeling… testy.

            Otherwise, Yami would be the one attending school right now.

            It had been an interesting three thousand years. They had stayed alive, moving every few years as not to attract suspicion, casting illusion and glamour and killing those who were not meant to be…

            Or those who found out the truth…

            Immortality did have its perks… and there were rather interesting positions one could assume, but in any case, they had heard from another source that Sugoroku Motou had found the recipe for the Philosopher’s stone…

            It would be quick to eliminate the source…


            < So? >

            < Nothing really came to mind… his grandson is in my class, but knows nothing… I suspect it is only a rumor, but just in case, I’ll send Djou to take care of it. >

            Yami smiled. < I could always count on you, Mahaado… >


            Seto Kaiba was not a patient person. So when the new, obnoxious transfer student in his class came in, he wasn’t expecting much.

            Blue met golden eyes across the classroom, as an almost tangible flicker of electricity arced through them both.


            Hmm, Djou decided, eyeing the young man who looked awfully like High Priest Seto had, so many years ago. This could be interesting…


End Fic

I know that I’m a horrible person, just leaving it here. I wanted to write Djou – er, Joey x Seto but honestly, I can’t. So! Someone wants to do that, feel free to email me. But if someone wants to turn this into a Yami x Yugi Puzzleshipping fic, I shall not allow him or her to! The world is full of that pairing already.



Completed 10/12/05