Title: The Voyage of The Jerle Shannara: Morgawr

2002, Terry Brooks

Published by:
  Ballantine Books

Cover Artist:
  Steve Stone

Chapter 1 - Chapter 12


Buy it: Hardcover (2002)

Don't want to re-read Antrax? Check out my notes from the book

New York Times bestselling author Terry Brooks became the master of epic fantasy with the publication of his legendary debut, The Sword of Shannara. Since then, each new novel in the Shannara saga has brilliantly built upon and deepened the world of breathtaking magic, adventure, and intrigue he created. In The Voyage of the Jerle Shannara--his third enchanting series--he literally took his legion of loyal readers soaring to new heights as a colorful contingent of characters took to the skies aboard a magnificent airship on a quest fraught with wonder and danger.
Now in Morgawr, the quest at last draws to its climactic conclusion, as the forces of good and evil vying against each other to possess an ancient magic race towards an explosive clash--and whatever fate awaits the victor... and the vanquished. Harrowing confrontations with the merciless Ilse Witch and the monstrous Antrax have already taken their toll on the intrepid heroes of the Four Lands. But their darkest adversary now snaps at their heels, in the form of the Morgawr--master of the Ilse Witch, feeder upon the souls of his enemies, and centuries-old sorceror of unimaginable might.

With a fleet of airships and a crew of walking dead men at his command, the Morgawr is in relentless pursuit of the Jerle Shannara and the crew that mans her. For the Morgawr, the goal is twofold: to find and control the fabled ancient books of magic, and to destroy the dark disciple who betrayed him--the Ilse Witch. But the Ilse Witch is already a prisoner... of herself. Exposed to the awesome power of the Sword of Shannara, and forced to confront the truth of her horrifying deeds, she has fled deep into her own mind. Now at the mercy of those who seek vengeance against her, her only protector is her long-lost brother, Bek Ohmsford, who is determined to redeem his beloved sister... and deliver her to the destiny predicted for her by the Druid Walker Boh.

Once again, Terry Brooks weaves together high adventure, vividly wrought characters, and a spellbinding world into an irresistible story of heroism and sacrifice, love and honor. In Morgawr, fans of the Shannara mythos will find both a satisfying finale and the promise of new wonders yet to come.
U.S Cover

This is a list I made myself of Characters, Magic Items and some notes I took while rereading this book. The information is on a book by book basis. If you dont see any informtion about a character, that is because there was none in this book.

Sen Dunsidan – (human/federation soldier) Minister of Defense
Morgawr – Mentor to the Ilse Witch. “Rough, gray scales coated a weathered face, and a wide, serrated mouth opened to reveal rows of sharply pointed teeth. Gimlet eyes, hated-filed and poisonous, glimmered with green fire.” “ The fingers slid inside his head, pushing through hari and skin and bone as if the whole of it were made of soft clay.” “He is a walking dead man with no will of his own. He keeps his skills and his experience, but he no longer care to thing for himself.” He could track magic’s use. “He is a creature who has dept himself alive a thousand years through use of dark magic.” “Conceived at his birth in the dark reaches of the Wilderun, he the warlock brother of the witch sisters, Mallenroh and Morag…” “Stealing away their souls increased his vitality and stength.”
Ilse Witch – Morgawr’s apprentice.
Kylen Elessidle – (elf)Elven King. “I know more about them(elfstones) than you think, little brother.  I Made a point of finding out.” “(Ahren)Don’t ever come back”
Jaren Arken – (human) Minister of the Treasury
Turnkey – (human) Federation Soldier. Worked in the prisons.
Darish Venn – (human/borderman)
Jethen Amenades-(human/rover)
Spanner Frew – (human/rover)
Kelson Riat – (human/rover)
Jahnon Pakabbon – (human/rover)
Rucker Bont –(human/rover)
Tian Cross - (human/rover)
Britt Rill - (human/rover)
Jethen Amenades - (human/rover)
Po Kelles – (elf/wingrider)
Niniannon – (roc)
Hunter Predd - (elf/wingrider)
Obsidian – (roc)
Rue Meridian - (human/rover)
Bark – (dog) Grainne’s childhood dog
Walker – (human/Druid) “I saw him being carried by a shade into a green light over an underground lake.”
Ryre Ord Star – (human) Seer. “I don’t know how to explain this, but they (Bek/ilse witch) were the same person. They were joined. They wre somewhere else, somewhere in the future, I think.”
Truls Rohk
Ahren - (elf) Elf Prince. “What he felt for the girl (Ryer Ord Star) was close to love.”
Aden Kett – (human)Federation Soldier
Quentin Leah – (human)
Panax – (dwarf)
Kian – (elf) Elven Hunter
Obat – (human/ringe)
Caull – (wearwolf?) “Mutations of humans captured and altered by magic.”
Donell – (human) federation soldier
Cree Bega – (mwellret)
Graak – “A massive dragon weighing thousands of pounds and measuring more than fifty feet in length. It’s body was the color of the jungle and glistened dully where the sunlight reflected off its slick hide. Horns and spikes jutted in clusters from its head and spine, and a thick wattle of skin hung from its throat. Claws the size of forearms dug into the dank earth, and rows of teeth flashed when its tongue snaked from its maw.”

“Walker himself had said that with the death of Antrax the knowledge of the books of magic was lost to them.”

“The magic contained in the books, the magic I spoke of to both Allardon Elessedil and his son, was never the reason for this voyage.”

“If Antrax is destroyed, the world will revert to what it once was.”

“Obat and his people are going over the mountains and into Parkasia’s interior”

Blood trust was given to Brin three hundred years before.

“She could hear the screams of the Federation sailors from Black Moclips as the Morgawr fed on their souls.”

“She (Ryer) was hearing his (Ahren) words and using them to feed her talent. She was turning those words into images of his friends, trying to project visions of them.”

“That science had found a way to control the weather seemed incredible to her, but she knew that in the age before the Great Wars there had been many marvelous achievements that had since disappeared from the world.”

“He had been told once that men had traveled to those stars in the old world, that they had built and ridden in ships that could navigate the sky as he ahd the waters of the Blue Divide.”

Magic Items
Sword of Shannara – “It belongs to the Druid. Take it back to them.”
ElfStones – “But the magic wasn’t any good against rets or any other creatures not motivated by magic.”