These  2  Iraqi Blocks  are   2008  issues  but    till now  they   were not  distributed
in  the Post  Office , The Iraqi  post office  refused  them  for bad  printing  quality and   some talks  about  destroying them  or returing  them back  to  the printer .
Arabic  Fonts
This   issue  is  refused   for  bad  printing  and   the Iraqi postal authrities   find that  this issue is  very difficult to be  accepted  because of the bad  quality     and then  it  returned  to the press for  bad printing   house and    then all of  the quatities of this issue  destroyed  , only  few  sets  has  been gone  to some    dealers ,  but  this issue is not official at this  time .
The  rejection  Of  Violence  And  National Reconciliation
27th -October - 2008
Dominations  250 , 500 , 750 ID
Printed in  cairo Egypt
Quantity  printed  75000  of Each dominations
The  5th Anniversary of  the Iraqi - China  Diplomatic  Relations
28th - October - 2008
Domination   500  ID
Printed in   China
Quantity  printed  200000  of Each dominations
Al Mutanabi  Poet  ( 915 - 965 )
24th - November  - 2008
Domination   5000  ID
Printed in  Iraq
Quantity  printed  300 000  of Each dominations
Mass Graves
14th - December  - 2008
Dominations   250  & 500  ID
Printed in  Libanon
Quantity  printed  80 000  of Each dominations
The Internationa Campain to restore the Iraqi stolen  Ancient Antiques   17-03-2009
Dominations   250  , 500  and  750  ID
Printed in  Libanon
Quantity  printed  75 000  of Each dominations
Preserving Environment   29-03-2009
Dominations   1000  ID
Printed in  Libanon
Quantity  printed  250 000  of Each dominations
International campain to revive Iraqi marshes   22-04-2009
Dominations   10000  ID
Printed in  Libanon
Quantity  printed  250 000  of Each dominations
International Day Of  Child    01-06-2009
Dominations   50 ID  for   each stamps of the set .
and 500  IF  for the Block .
Printed in  Libanon
Quantity  printed  75 000  of Each dominations of the stamps  and  10 000  for the blocks .
International Football Championship
South Africa    14-6-2009
Dominations   100 , 250 , 500  ID for  Set
and  750 ID  for the Block              
Printed in  Libanon
Quantity  printed  75 000  of Each dominations
And  10000  Blocks.
Iraqi  Week  Of  Tourism   15-7-2009
Dominations   Of the Four  stamps     250 ID Each
and  500 ID  for the Block              
Printed in  Libanon
Quantity  printed  75 000  of Each dominations   And  10000  Blocks.
Jerusalem The Capital of the Arabic  Culture  2-8-2009
Dominations  250   ID for  Set
and  750 ID  for the Block         
Printed in  Libanon
Quantity  printed  150 000  Set
And  15000  Blocks.