Search and Rescue
[SAR Resources] | [National Organizations] | [SAR Directories] | [Wilderness Medicine] | [Manufacturers/Retailers] | [Global Positioning System (GPS)]
[About Me] | [Backpacking Page] | [SAR Dogs] | [SAR Radio Frequencies] | [Western SAR Team Links]

I originally put this site together as a reference for myself. As such, I have put up worthwhile links that I have found on the internet or were recommended to me. I do not solicit any sponsors or special deals; this is strictly an extracurricular activity. If you have any comments, do/don't like a link, please email them to me. Enjoy!

Search and Rescue Resources
My old home team:
Mountain Canine Corps, Los Alamos, NM

Amateur Radio Education Association's SAR Links
Backpacker Magazine
Becoming a SAR Dog Handler
Lost Subject Behavior
Microsoft's Terraserver Online Maps
My Backpacking page
National Park Service Online Maps
Selecting Dogs for Search and Rescue
Probability of Detection for Search Dogs
Radio Frequencies used by Western SAR teams
Radio Communications Manual, Western State Mountain Rescue Team (Acrobat PDF)
RESCUE Training Resource and Guide
TopoZone, free online seemless USGS quads
UTM Grid Overlays for USGS Topo Maps
Wildernet, trail descriptions

[Top of page]

National Search and Rescue Organizations
American Rescue Dog Association
Canadian Civil Air Search and Rescue Association
Canadian National Search and Rescue Secretariat (also SARINFO)
Mountain Rescue Association (MRA)
National Association for Search and Rescue (NASAR)
National Cave Rescue Commission
National Institute for Urban Search and Rescue
National Search and Rescue School, part of the U.S. Air Force Rescue Coordination Center
National Ski Patrol

[Top of page]

Search and Rescue Group Directories
Western SAR Teams and Webpages
Blue Ridge Mountain Rescue Group SAR Contacts Page
Mountain Rescue Association's Resource Page
National Association for Search and Rescue (NASAR) SAR Resource Database
North American Search Dog Network
SARINFO Search and Rescue Related Links
Yahoo's Search and Rescue Directory

[Top of page]

Wilderness Medicine
Alzheimers Disease SAR Research
Canine First Aid
Critical Incident Stress
High Altitude: Acclimatization and Illnesses
Keith Conover's Wilderness EMT Page
SOLO Outdoor Education
Wilderness EMS Institute
Wilderness Medical Outfitters
Wilderness Medical Society
Wilderness Medicine Institute

[Top of page]

SAR Equipment Manufacturers/Retailers
Search and Rescue Related Catalogs (courtesy WEMSI)
Auroralites, dog collar lights
Brigade Quartermasters

Cascade Toboggan Rescue Equipment Company
CMC Rescue
Eastern Mountain Sports
Galls, Inc.
Outdoor Research
Recreational Equipment, Inc. (REI)
SAR Camp Equipment Company
Search Equipment Company
Search Gear
Special Forces

[Top of page]

Global Positioning System (GPS)
Adventure GPS Products (Nice Product Comparisons, Search and Rescue Page) [Retailer]
Affordable GPS [Retailer]
Cibola Search and Rescue (NM) GPS Test (Adobe PDF file)
Consumer Marine Electronics [Retailer]
Defender Industries [Retailer]
Garmin International [Manufacturer]
GPS City [Retailer]

GPS Discount [Retailer]
GPS Information

GPS Now [Retailer]
The GPS Store [Retailer]
Lowrance [Manufacturer]
Magellan [Manufacturer]
Navtech [Retailer]
SafeTrac GPS [Retailer]

SelectZone [Retailer]
US Forest Service GPS Page
West Marine [Retailer]

[SAR Resources] | [National Organizations] | [SAR Directories] | [Wilderness Medicine] | [Manufacturers/Retailers] | [Global Positioning System (GPS)]
[About Me] | [Backpacking Page] | [SAR Dogs] | [SAR Radio Frequencies] | [Western SAR Team Links]
[Top of Page]

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This page copyright 2000-06, Shane Binder.
Last modified 08. July 2005.