Bodhi Tree & Tea Leaf



Homage to


the Buddha Lapis Lazuli Radiance Tathagatha, Arhat,

the Perfectly Enlightened,

Perfect in Mind and Deed, Well Gone,

Knower of the World,

Unsurpassed Being, Tamer of Passion,

Teacher of Gods and Men,

Buddha-World-Honored One.






 of the



The four noble truths - Teachings of Buddha


The First Noble Truth - Truth of Suffering


Lamp for the

Path to Enlightenment

by Jowo Atisha


Heart Sutra

Prajna Paramita Hrdaya Sutra

Buddha Dharma on the doctrine on emptiness (sunyata) and dependent arising of the five aggregates and emptiness



What is the Noble Truth of Suffering?

Birth is suffering, aging is suffering,

Sickness is suffering, dissociation

from the loved is suffering,

not to get what one wants is

suffering, in short the five categories

affected by clinging are suffering.


There is this Noble Truth of Suffering,

such was the vision, insight, wisdom,

knowing and light that arose in me

about things not heard before.


This Noble Truth must be penetrated by

fully understanding suffering

such was the vision, insight, wisdom,

knowing and light that arose in me

about things not heard before.


This Noble Truth has been penetrated by

fully understanding suffering

such was the vision, insight, wisdom,

knowing and light that arose in me

about things not heard before.




What is the Noble Truth of Suffering?

It is craving which renews being and is

accompanied by relish and lust,

relishing this and that, in other words,

craving for sensual desires,

craving for being, craving for non-being.

But whereon does this craving

arise and flourish?

wherever there is what seems lovable

and gratifying, thereon it arises and flourishes.


There is this

Noble Truth of the Origin of Suffering,

such was the vision, insight, wisdom, knowing

and light that arose in me

about things not heard before.


This Noble Truth must be penetrated to by

abandoning the origin of suffering,

such was the vision, insight, wisdom, knowing

and light that arose in me

about things not heard before.


This Noble Truth has been penetrated to by

abandoning the origin of suffering,

such was the vision, insight, wisdom, knowing

and light that arose in me

about things not heard before.

  The Second Noble Truth - Origin of Suffering



Diamond Cutter Sutra

Arya Vajracchedika Nama Prajñaparamita Mahayana Sutra

Buddha Dharma on the realization of the illusory nature of all phenomena. This wisdom which realizes the true nature of all phenomena is like a diamond, which cuts through our wrong conceptions and brings liberation


The Dhammapada

An anthology of verses, belonging to the part of the Theravada Pali Canon of scriptures known as the Khuddaka Nikaya




The Third Noble Truth - True path of cessation of suffering



Sixty Songs of Milarepa


by Jetsun Milarepa

The Precious Master's Instruction

Outline of the Lam Rim Chen Mo

By Kyabje Pabongkha Rinpoche

Lines of Experience

The Abbreviated Points of the Graded Path - Short Lam Rim Chen Mo

by Lama Je Tsongkhapa


Three Aspects of the Path


by Lama Je Tsongkhapa



What is the

Noble Truth of the Cessation of Suffering?

It is [the non-attachment] and cessation of

that same craving, the rejecting, relinquishing,

leaving and renouncing of it.

But whereon is this craving abandoned

and made to cease? wherever there is

what seems lovable and gratifying ,

thereon it is abandoned  and made to cease.


There is this

Noble Truth of the Cessation of Suffering,

such was the vision, insight, wisdom,

knowing and light that arose in me

about things not heard before.


This Noble Truth must be penetrated to by

realizing the cessation of suffering,

such was the vision, insight, wisdom,

knowing and light that arose in me

about things not heard before.


This Noble Truth has been penetrated to by

realizing the cessation of suffering,

such was the vision, insight, wisdom,

knowing and light that arose in me

about things not heard before.





What is the Noble Truth of the Way

Leading to the Cessation of Suffering?

It is the Noble Eightfold Path,

that is to say,

Right View,

Right Intention,

Right Speech,

Right Action,

Right Livelihood,

Right Effort,

Right Mindfulness,

and Right Concentration.


There this is

Noble Truth of the Path Leading

to the Cessation of Suffering,

such was the vision, insight, wisdom, knowing

and light that arose in me

about things not heard before.


This Noble Truth must be penetrated to by

cultivating the Path Leading

to the Cessation of Suffering,

such was the vision, insight, wisdom, knowing

and light that arose in me

about things not heard before.



This Noble Truth has been penetrated to by

cultivating the Path Leading

to the Cessation of Suffering,

such was the vision, insight, wisdom, knowing

and light that arose in me

about things not heard before.



-- Samyutta Nikaya LVI

  The Fourth Noble Truth - The Middle Way

Eight Verses on


of the Mind


[Lojong Tsigyema]


Geshe Langri Tangba

Geshe Chekawa