
Saturday, August 30- Today my great friend Yesie came by to visit me.. in her ex boyfriends car. l0l. We were talking then then my ma came back and to my surprise she and my sister bought me a cat. Itz a cute lil grey kitten. I showed it to Yesie and she named it for me.. his name is Nylon. Haha. My ma kept on calling it "Smokey".  How original. She keeps on criticizing "Nylon". If anything if I HAVE  to change it, I'll name him Marvin. Well yesterday I went to THS to help Nick register, and I spoke to the cross country coach, and hym and the team want me to go next week to practice. So ya, ima go. Then I talked to some KIWINS members, and ima join that club. So ya, thatz gonne be koo. I thynk skewl iz gonna be kinda fun thiz year. Ya neva kno wut may happen..

Wednesday, August 27- I registered at THS 2day. Everything went well.. I saw a few friends ova there. My id came out lyk crap, which really sucked. When I got home all I did was juss check out the books and go online. I talked to my friend Natalie online, and she sent me a few pics. I wanted to go to the beach 2day but I couldn't get a ride. Sucks. I might go 2marrow hopefully. I juss got off the fone wit Natalie not to long ago. I'm watchin Futurama ryte now. Other then that.. ima sleep now. Nitez.

Tuesday, August 26- Work was koo today. Very tiring, but I got through it. 2marrow I'm goin to THS to register in the morning with my ma. We have to take pics for our id's. Great. I might wear my lucky Iverson shirt. I trimmed my hair cuz it was gettin a bit too long, and I didn't want it look dum for the id. Well, get back to yall later. peace.

Monday, August 25- I went to the moviez on Friday and Saturday. I saw Freeky Friday, and Bad Boys 2, again. On Saturday I was wit Fred and I met up with my homie Chris and his gurl Andrea. We has sooo much freakin fun that night. On Friday I was with Brittany, Nick, Brandon, Marcus, and Jennifer. On Saturday during the day I also went to Chris's house and watched Orange County and played some Mortal Kombat. Sadly, he beat me multiple timez. Yesterday I went to some football meeting at THS that was extremely boring. And today? I did NUFFIN. Tomorrow? Work, with my ma. I found out I owe 80 bucks to THS cuz I "supposedly" lost 2 books, and I have to work to earn money to pay it off. Damit!

Tuesday, August 19- Well I don't really know wut to say. I haven't talked to my gurlfriend for 3 dayz...I have been sleeping a lot lately, and thynking about stuff. Lyf iz confusing at tymez. I might go to the beach 2marrow, I need to try to clear up all the things in my head ryte now...

Saturday, August 16- I went to tha beach on yesterday and got a real nasty sunburn. Itz all across my chest. Goodtimez. I went and saw Freddy vs. Jason too. I went wit Brittany, Fred, and Luis. That movie was sooo bad ass. It was a good night. Today I got a stereo for my b-day from my ma. Itz a Sony, and kinda big. Itz all good tho. I'm tired so peace out and enjoy ur lives.

Wednesday, August 13- I didn't do anything today except talk on tha phone, and to Brittany online. Ima go see Freddy vs Jason wit her on Friday. Hell ya, that movie iz gonna be bomb. Hey, my baby made a web page so come visit it here. I haven't written anything on my site for awhile. I went to six flagz on Sunday with my homies from school. Ramiro, Chris, Emanuel, Roman, James, and Andrea. We were missing a few peeps, but itz all good. I loved that day. I went to tha mall with Brittany and her friend Stephanie yesterday, for an amazing 5 hours. l0l. Britt picked out some clothes and she helped me buy "Thriller" by Michael Jackson. : ) GoodTimez. I love you Brittany. Peace out. 

Friday, August 8- Today was an awesome day, and I don't use that word often. I woke up and left to the bus stop so I can go to the barbershop. I waited for 45 minutes and it never came. So I walked back home and talked online to Brittany. I was supposed to go to the movies later on, and I found out she was going too. Eladio came by saying he wanted to come with us. So we waited for a ride, but to my surprise the mailman came, with my summer school Report Card. I was so nervous because I had a 73% C in my class before we took the Final, and if we failed the final, we drop one grade. You need at least a 70% to go on. I studied forever for that final, since we took it on the last day of school, I didn't know what I got on it. So I opened up the envelope, and I managed to pass the class with my C. Goodtimez. So my brother came and picked up Eladio, Luis, and me, and dropped us off at AMC. We met Jennifer and her friends there so we could watch SWAT. We all managed to get in...even though it was sold out. Brittany and her friends were already in the theatre. So when I sat down, Brittany came up and gave me a hug, and so we finally met. So we sat with each other for the movie, and we went walking around afterwards. Then her friends ma came to pick her up, and we said Bye. When I came back home she IMed me, and we started talking about how we liked each other. Then came the question, I asked her out. And you know she said yes. So there it is people, That's my awesome day. But by far the best part of the day was finding out my grade, I got my C baby! l0l. Hell nah, shiet, the best part was finally starting something with Brittany. Ya kno! Goodtimez ahead....

    8/8/03 Our special day...

Tuesday, August 5- I stayed up last night watching some low budget movie called "Pinocchio's Revenge". I fell asleep on that shit. I woke up and walked to Albertsons for some gel. It was blazing hot so I took off my shirt and had my wife-beater on. Itz been heatin up tha last couple of dayz. I wanna go and get a haircut later...but that might have to wait till tha weekend. So for tha whole day I have juss been watching TV and doin shit online. I might go visit my sis 2marrow b4 she goes to chile for a month. Any1 call me up if ya wanna do sumthin! 

Sunday, August 3- Ya, so I went to tha beach 2day. It was aight, I saw a lot of people from Madrona while I was there, but I didn't really chill wit them. Other then that, it was a pretty mellow day. It'z almost a month till my b-day. Great. 2marrow iz my first real day of summer. I might go down to Borders to look around. If any1 wantz to do sumthin call me up at 787-8051.  Aight? Well ima bounce. Peace peeps.

Friday, August 1- It iz finally tha end of summer skewl. Wordz cant express how happy I am dammit. Well I went to tha moviez and saw Bad Boyz 2. A pretty koo flick. I saw a couple friends from THS, lyk Marissa and Kristen. Damn I miss them. After tha movie some boy started staring at me while he walked by me, then I went up to him and said wut u staring at, and he juss mumbled and walked away. That getz me pissed when some lil punk mutha fucka thynk he can juss go and do shit lyk that. He don't want none of these muscles!!! Shiet. All in all, a pretty koo day.