
      Sunshine In The Shadows  


  He lived every moment with his sister and grandma the best he could, all 9 years of this early childhood. Then came the day everything would change. Judge said pack your things, your going to be out as fast as you came. The hand of deceit grabbed the boys’ heart, and squeezed it all apart. Was his mother to blame? Not showing up, too bad his father didn't do the same. He arrived at the new house, and was introduced to his room, where he sat by himself, staring at the moon. He wished all of this was pretend, so much change, his mind just couldn't comprehend. First month or so was okay, no one really got in his way. His father tried to buy his love, with toys and video games. He switched schools, Amestoy to Twain, he thought it was oh so lame. But school was cool he could handle that. With the help of his new best friend, they would have a friendship that would never end. Back home, even though he hated living there, with all twenty family members, there was love for the father. The twist.. Dad loved Budweiser. The abuse started with a slap here and there, then the violence went up a notch, and then the boy was getting punched. That crushed him quick, suicidal thoughts were in him thick. He tried to keep it all secret, even on Thanksgiving when he got kicked. He would be so afraid of his father returning from work, luckily at times Dad didn't even give him a look. The boy never complained, fearing his father would go insane. During all of this, it was the music that filled the void of emptiness. Super Mario was his only friend at the house, but then the day came when daddy got a spouse. He made friends with the new family, and he was happy. Right when the boy thought he could leave the past behind, it all started to unwind. Arguments would spark between the newlyweds, yelling that would wake the boy from bed. Maybe it was because of all the tension, but the abuse started again. At this point it didn't physically hurt, the pain came from thinking he was dirt. The fate of the marriage came when they called it quits, and the boy with his father were right back in the pits. He had to give in to his doom, he couldn't get out of this endless tomb. Then randomly, he didn't know why, but daddy said he its time to go bye bye. Maybe because he was tired of spending money on the boy, cause the alcohol was dads’ only joy. He didn't care, his freedom was finally there. The end was right around the bend. He packed up his things and returned home to his grandma and siblings. He saw a future so bright, and he enjoyed the sight. Finally everything was going to be all right. But little did he know, the new sun during his days would soon turn dark and gray. Fights in the house broke out, and he was confused. Guess he was born to be abused. One night Grandma smacked the boy, and he was destroyed. Cause you see, she was drinking. Irony ran through his veins then, for history repeats itself again. He decided to run. He had enough. Was this supposed to be his haven, everything that he dreamed, then why was it going the way it wasn't supposed to be? His love for his brother and sister subsided the fear, there help kept him from shedding more tears. He was still trapped inside the darkness of night, but there was hope in the moonlight. His mother was in his life now, she had things straight. She said they were going to live together, with a few weeks wait. Day came. He left the house behind with positive thoughts in mind. Is this Gods plan? Is he done tormenting this young man? The past is in the distance, now he can find the meaning of his existence. After a life of tears and blows, the sun shines through the shadows.