Friday, May 30-  Today was a bytch. I woke up, went to first period, took an essay test on this book I didn't even read, and did pretty well. I took a test in Math, and did good. I found out my grade in science is almost a C, and that's pretty good for me, I have been struggling in that class for awhile. Now I have A's, B's, & C's. I watched thiz really interesting video about tha Atomic Bomb in History. Damn, its amazing wut humans can do. Well so I walked back home and to my surprise...

My Bike Was Gone!

Oh, goodtimez. So I was pretty pissed, lyk anyone would be. Well fuck whoever took my bike, have fun wit it u asshole, cuz I sure did. Thats why people lyk u are gonna have fucked up lives. The shits gonna come back around, and bite u in tha ass. So have fun, while it lasts fou, cuz I'll be tha last one laughing. Anyway, I saw a pic of this gurl I lyke, and I haven't talked to her in awhile, and that cheered me up, somewut. Thank you Gizz. Well, tha gurlz name is Jezzika Chavez. So for tha rest of tha day I just chilled back, and listened to music. Kurt and Chris are over right now, playing video gamez. Lyk tha old timez. Well peace people, hope u enjoy ur lives, and remember, don't let nothing get u down.

Thursday, May 29-  Today in my Math class, I was talking to thiz gurl named Nirvana, and she knows my sis! That was kinda kewl, and another thing that was kewl too was that the gurl sitting next to Vana, Marsharice, goes out with my Ex-Girlfriend Tami's brother! Small world huh?  I took a History test, I think I did pretty damn good on it. I saw thiz gurl I used to lyk today named Jennifer, I haven't seen her for a long ass time. That was kinda nice, even though we just waved hi. In English, we played thiz "Pictionary" game, we drew pictures on the board about a book that we read, the teacher gives us the word, then we draw it. I got tha word Gossip, and drew a good ass picture, but none of my team mates got it. Wut idiots! Im glad its almost the weekend, I got some major sleep to do! Thank you, and have a nice day.

Tuesday, May 27-  Well on Memorial Day, I went to tha mall for a third time, and bought a game called Test Drive. It's kewl, just a lil difficult. I'm almost done with Onimusha 2, that game iz soo bad-ass! Im going to play it after I'm finished writing thiz. During skewl, my friends Marissa, Arshad, and Ronick, said I looked lyk I lost weight. Damn, talk about fast results! Tha next time I'm going to run iz going to be Sunday morning. I just got done doing 50 diamond push-ups. YaY! Anyway, today, thiz gurl, Nick's sister, who I used to like alot, came back from Chicago. I saw her, and I tried to avoid her. You just dont know how much she hurt me in tha past. I really dont lyk her now, I really wish she stayed in Chicago. Turns out she lyks me ALOT now, but I cant stand her. How times change, huh? She iz soo annoying! She wont stop trying to talk to me! Looks like now Im going to have to seek some revenge. ; )

Sunday, May 25-  I didn't go running thiz morning, and I didnt go to church neither. I was just too damn tired. I went to tha mall at 12:00, and I got another game; Half Life. I have been playing PS2 for most of tha day. I don't think I'll be doing much of anything else. Ima stop typing now cuz my eyes are starting to burn. Peace...

Saturday, May 24- Today I got up at 5:20, got dressed, and went jogging. I ran all the way to Wilson Park, ran a lil there, the jogged a lil bit back home. From where I live, Wilson is pretty far. I took Nicks CD player, talk about no anti-skip! Anyways, when I got back, which was around 6:20, I took a nap, then left to the mall at 10:00. I bought myself a gray bini and Onimusha2, a video game. I have been playing it for most of the day. This gurl named Nicole called me today, she is pretty cool. My sista, Gisselle called me, while her damn rich ass was getting grad clothes at the mall. Tami called me, we were talking then she wanted to talk to my little friend Francisco, but he was too pussy to even say anything. I dont think Im going to run 2marrow, because my right knee is kinda sore. Im going to try it again on Memorial Day. GoodTimez...

Thursday, May 22- I'm on a diet right now. I'm not fat, but I want to eat healthy and exercise. On Sat., I'm going to go jogging early in the morning, and everyday I have been doing 60 push-ups non-stop. I need to start working on my abs today though. I need more muscle...

Monday, May 19- l stayed home from school today. While I was here, I made a CD that has Linkin Park and koRn on it. Its pretty bad. I practiced on my guitar, learned a few notes, and played music REALLY loud all day. Ya, my way of having fun. 

Sunday, May 18- Well school is about to be over in a month. I'm going to be a Junior! Time flies by fast. I'm going to have to go to summer school, and SCROC. I screwed up my Freshman year, and I have to make up credits. I'm getting A's & B's now, so its all good. I don't have to go to SCROC, but I'm choosing to. I'm gonna be gone from 8-6:00! This guy named Jerry came over to my house today, and played some really beautiful music on my guitar. It sparked up my love for the instrument once again. Does "Stairway To Heaven" mean anything to anyone? Oh look, the Lakers lost. The Kings lost. It looks like the Western Conf. Finals are dominated by Texans. Damn dirty south.