

Saturday, November 29- Yesterday was cool. Mark took me to UCLA, and I had a great tyme. We walked around the campus, and actually its pretty amazing. The structure of the buildings and gardens are pretty tight. The arcade wasn't too bad either. Afterwards we went to Carl's Jr and I got me a Western Bacon Cheeseburger. Hmm I was craving that for a while. The rest of the day was pretty chill. I went to the Kmart and bought 4 cd's. Kid Rocks new album, 2 Michael Jackson albums, and the old Staind "Break The Cycle". Hey they were pretty cheap. During the evening I went to the all with my ma and Miguel, and I bought Vanilla Sky [my favorite movie], and The Getaway for PS2. I got back home and started watching Vanilla Sky, and went online. Alysa IMed me and we started talking, then she called me up and we discussed many things. She really made things clear to me about KIWINS and the board. Also, if I run for a board position, now I feel the position that I would be best at would be Projects Coordinator. I'm still nervous. I have a lot of thynking to do today. Thank you Alysa for talking to me! Well I'm out. Spread the love..

Song Of The Day: "Only God Knows Why" Kid Rock

Thursday, November 27- Thanksgiving! Ya kno all of you gained a few pounds today. Haha. I went to my grandma's and ate there for a lil while. It was nice seeing her. I'm thankful she is still alive, and sober. I went back home, and ate dinner here with Ma, Mark, Miguel, Israel, and Nick. Jim left early with Kelly. It was nice. Mark and I had a discussion about money, college, and me wanting to get a Chevy Blazer. Tomorrow he is going to come by, and were going to pay a visit to UCLA. 

So ya'll think of what your thankful for?? I did. Amazing what we take for granted every day. I'm thankful for lots of things, but one thing I'm sure ALL of us are thankful for is this extraordinary gift called, life. Don't take it for granted. Its a one-time-only thing. And it can be taken away in an instant. During these holidays remember this: Treat People How You Would Want To Be Treated. If we all followed that, the world would be a much better place, don't ya thynk?

Song Of The Day: "Meant To Live" -Switchfoot

Wednesday, November 26- I had to turn in my book project and Chapter one of my biography today. I stayed up till 1:30 last night  finishing them up. It was fun though because I popped in the new koRn album in my cd player, and that gave me enough adrenaline to keep through the night. Yesterday was pretty kool. After skewl, Marissa, Sara, Heather, and I went to the Salvation Army Tutoring. It was okay. Some of those kids are little brats, but I was one before too, so what can I say? Weren't we all? Haha. I played some Ping Pong against one of the guys that worked there, and he thought he could beat me. It was my first tyme playing, and I beat him 5-4. I know who already had experience in the game, because he used all this ping pong vocabulary I didn't understand. Afterwards, we went to Barnes and Noble, and then to the mall. I bought the koRn cd at Sam Goody, and then we ate. I had some Chick-Fil-A. I was SO hungry. It was around 7:00, and they wanted to go back to Barnes, so I walked them there, and went on my way back home. I really enjoyed the walk though cause I had some good music to listen to. Happy B-Day Izy!

KIWIN'S: Well, well. I signed up for the Bag-A-Bear committee. I'm excited about this lil project. Yesterday I found out were taking nominations for Board next week. Ya kno I was interested in that. I just don't know what I want to be. Also, I don't want the person whose position I'm running for to hate me. I'm nervous. I need someone to nominate me and one person to vote, for me to qualify. Virginia gave me her number and told me to call her, I've been busy, but when I get enough tyme, I need to talk to her. I love this club, but I don't know. I just don't know what to decide, and time is running out. I need sleep..

Song Of The Day: "Everything I've Known" koRn

Sunday, November 23- Alright, were doing that list thing again when I'm late on some things..

Friday: School was good. I guess. But the whole fun was afterwards. I walked down to Diana's for Scrapbook. I thought I was going to be late, so I walked pretty fast. I arrived at her block 20 mins early, so I decided to pay a visit to the gas station. I bought a Kern's. While I was there, I dropped my CD player. It cracked my Incubus CD, but surprisingly it still works. Freakin miracle. So i went to Diana's, and did the Scrapbook. It was actually pretty cool, I enjoyed it. I did my lil page with Marissa and Sara, and Talayeh helped a little also. Then all the gurls started playing this quiz thing from a magazine, something about knowing the most stuff about the guy you lyk, or best friend. They seemed lyk they had fun. Jon and I were watching some pretty umm... interesting videos on the comp. Some guy got eaten by lions, and everyone was getting messed up in those videos. The girls didn't seem to lyk it too much. l0l. Afterwards; Diana, Jessica, Daniel, Stephanie, John, and me went to In and Out for a bite to eat, then headed off to the play. I went with Jon and Daniel and we listened to the new Tupac CD in the car. This one song came on, and in the chorus this voice similar to Cartman from South Park came on, and we all started crackin up! I don't know, you had to be there. We watched the play at THS, and it was GOOD. Congrats to all who worked on it, it was awesome. After that, we went to a place called the Lollicup, and I bought some Grape Boba. Funny drink. Everyone was there, Nikki, Sylvia, Talayeh, and some more people showed up later on. The place was pretty full. It was fun. And cold. 

Saturday: Wow. Where do I begin? I know where.. 

I woke up, took 40 mins to pick out what I was going to wear, and left to the PIT to catch a ride to Fall Rally. I went with Kyle, Eugene, and some annoying boy named Jon. We got there pretty early, and juss stood around, freezing. Finally everyone arrived, doing a lil parade thing, and that was BOMB. We caught all the other skewls off guard. So we did A LOT of cheers, and showed off our spirit. It felt really good, everybody was one together. We did some ice breakers, and I met a bunch of peoples from other skewls. Okay, now here we go. Time came and they started to give out awards. That didn't really catch my attention cause I was going around talking to peeps. Then I heard the name Jason Hahn. I looked around, and everyone stared saying, "That's you! That's you!". I'm lyk, oh crap, and I run up there. I checked the certificate, and it was my name. I got the Outstanding KIWIN'S Member award. That was TIGHT. Everyone congratulated me, and it felt really good. I didn't thynk anyone really noticed me in KIWINS, or would ever give me an award. Shocker. So the rest of the Rally was cool, we had a hoola hoop contest, when we had to stand in a line and pass the hoop up and over us to the other side. Me and this guy from Downey named Piggy or Biggy, really rallied up our group, but we still lost. It was fun though. I met Tina Park, last years KIWINS president, and she congratulated me on my award. The Rally ended, and we left to Knott's. It was me, Kyle, Kevin, Jon, and Eugene. After awhile, we met up with Steven, Phil, Precious, Rebecca, and Austin. It was SO fun. Steve was doing his DDR thing, and it was impressive. Some gurl was flirting with me, and wanted me to go on rides with her, but I stayed with the guys. We all got on Perilous Plunge and got soaked. That killed the day, because it was so freakin cold. THEN, Eugene and I ran to this thing where they were dancing, and we joined in. After we stopped, we looked for everyone, and they were gone. We were by ourselves. Then Kevin came, but he was lost too. It was juss us 3. We ran around looking for them, but we never found them. We decided to go on Ghostrider, instead of waiting. We saw Jon, getting off the ride, and we started calling his name, but he didn't hear us. We couldn't run up to hym since we were pretty deep in line. After the ride, Kevin called up Kathy, and we met up with her next to Xcelerator. They left, and it was juss Eugene and I. We decided to go this one crazy looking ride, and juss crazy enough, everyone else was there. We were so relieved. We got on Xcelerator again, and I saw Vanessa, Sam, and Jessica, in that area. 10:00 came and it was tyme to leave. We took a few pics, then we left in Kyles car. I got back around 11:20. Over all, a GREAT day. 

Song Of The Day: "Lets Groove" Earth Wind And Fire

Thursday, November 20- I was mad today. Ahhh uh. School was cool, except that I got a detention in the morning for being late on getting my readmit, which I wasn't. After school,  I was supposed to go to the Salvation Army Preschool thingy, and my neighbor Jan came by to take me. I was excited, and very much looking forward to it. So were driving along PCH, which is pretty far, lookin for this dam thing. I forgot to bring the address, but I thought I would be able to find it anyway. Nope. Not this tyme. I asked a few people, but they all gave me weird directions, getting the GoodWill store confused with the Sal Army. I guess its my fault, but.. dam. Oh well, next week. Tomorrow ima head off to the scrapbook thing, and afterwards ima watch that play at THS. Did everybody see the picture? Ya kno, the picture of Michael Jackson in handcuffs? Hmm hmm. Disappointing. If anyone knows where to get the lil holder that allows you to mount your guitar on the wall, IM me. I know they sell it at Guitar Center, but I want somewhere more local then that. I would very much appreciate it, if ya'll IM me or whatever, juss let me know. 

Song Of The Day- #12 on the Thrice "Illusion of Safety" album

Wednesday, November 19- Nothing much has been happening lately. Same old crap. I gave myself a lil trim, and it actually came out looking pretty straight. Not that much difference, but a difference none the less. Last night I played an old PlayStation game with Israel called, "You Don't Know Jack". That game was surprisingly good, and I killed Israel each tyme we played. Hahaaha. Yup. Oh, yesterday I watched a preview of a play that my friend Aleks is in, called "Makin' It". It was actually pretty good, and I bought a ticket. I might go on Thursday, after the Salvation Army Preschool thing. If anyone cares to tag along, hit me up. Michael Jackson is innocent! Dam.. for realz juss let him be already. Hmm, but maybe this tyme the accuser is sincere..?.. who knows? Till next tyme... I'm out.

Song Of The Day: "Here Without You" - 3 Doors Down

Sunday, November 16- Okay, I'm a few days late on some stuff but ya.. deal wit it.

Friday: I have 4 B's and 2 C's. Good? Maybe. Bad? Depends. Does it matter? Not yet. After skewl was the TV taping. I was pretty excited, my whole day was looking forward to that. This is what happened: I say next to Alyssa on the way there, and we had a long convo about Kiwins, and some stuff bout lyf. It was a pretty chill tyme. I asked the driver to put on oldies, so that was koo. When we first arrived there, I was desperate to us the restroom. Luckily I wasn't alone. Emily, Michelle, Talayeh, and me broke away from he group and went on a lil mission to find a restroom somewhere else since we didn't feel lyk using the one in the restaurant, since we had to be a customer. We used it, and I was relieved. Then we returned to The Line. We had to wait a LONG tyme to get in. We finally got in the place, then we had to wait in another line to get into the studio. It was kool, I was chillin with Kathy and a few others. I met 2 new people, Nicole and Jessica. They seemed really kool. We finally got into the studio, and me and Taly shared a nice lil convo about something I would of never imagined us talking about.. GooseBumps! That was tight. Brought me back to the tyme of lil jason.. Anyway, the TV taping was tight, it was for a show called "A Minute With Stan Hooper". There was a guy there to entertain the audience during intermissions, and he cracked me up! Freakin' genius I sware. Wheew. The show was funny, and it was kinda weird "fake laughing". I got back home around 11:30. 

Saturday: I went to beach clean up. Yup, and only me. I still managed to have a cool tyme though. I walked along the shore and watched the sunrise, while listening to Linkin Park and koRn. It was relaxing. I picked up a few pieces of trash, but they already had people cleaning the beach, people that did bad things, and this was there punishment. I guess showing up wasn't as important as I thought it was. I walked up to the pier and bought some hot chocolate. It burned my tongue very badly. I continued walking for a bit, then I saw something disturbing. A fisherman brought up a net, and it had 2 crabs in it. One HUGE, and one small, about the size of a football. He poured them out on the floor and some people congratulated the man. I looked to the side of hym, and I saw another crab broken in half, with blood surrounding it. I stood there, and watched the baby crab and big crab try to crawl back to the ocean, juss to end up being flipped on there backs by the guy. It was pathetic. I turned away, and tried not to thynk about it, cause I could do nothing. I returned home, then left to the DCM. It was kool, I met some new people. I wrote and letter to a firefighter, and that was interesting, since I'm thynking about becoming one. It ended, and I helped carry stuff to Kathys car. I was going to walk home, but she offered. Then, she asked how to get to my house. I told her I would show her the way, but she wanted the streets. I didn't know the streets. Then Sylvia and Talayeh come, and Kathy asks them. Then they all start explaining where to turn and all this, and I was so embarrassed. I am going to decline everyone's offer for a ride now on, unless its far. I don't want to feel lyk a kid that someone has to drive home. I could take care of myself. I lyk walking anyways. When I came home, I left to Barnes and Noble with Nick and juss stayed there for awhile and listened to music. 

Today: I attended church lyk a good boy. Ahhh huh. Afterwards my ma took me to the cemetery and I finally got to drive my Jimmy. Baby rode smooth. Ima enjoy that car. Later on, I went to Grandma's, and it was nice seeing her. I miss that woman. I went to Barnes and Noble after that, and I was there for a quick minute. I was lookin at some romance books. Not stories, but psychology love books you could say. They were very interesting. I saw Sylvia and Michelle there. I was walking around lookin for some books on martial arts, when I saw Marissa.. with Kevin. I finally met the Kevin I have heard SO SO much about. Cool kid. Marissa and I chatted for a bit, then she left to get something to eat, and I called up my ma to pick me up. I was waiting outside, then Marissa came by and we chatted some more. Then I came home, and it leaves me in this moment in tyme. Yup. So that's it. Come baq later for more on... me of course. Peace.

Thursday, November 13- Last night was SO tight! All that lighting and rain, we need more nights lyk that, it felt good. I had to do an essay for my English class, but I kept on putting it off. I was trying to do it around 11:00, but that didn't work, so I set my alarm for 2:30. I woke up, and thought, its juss an essay, one less hour wouldn't hurt. So I set it to 4:30. Time came, and I set it for 5:40. Then that horrible buzzing sound woke me up again, and I thought to myself, shiet I'm JASON, I could finish this essay at skewl! I got up at 7:00, and left to skewl around 7:30. I found out I have a C in my science class, because I got an A on the Mega-Quiz that we took last week. In Psyc I know I have an A. I don't know what I have for Eng 3, but I got some extra credit for going in front of the class and talking about some museums that I went to. I math I have a B, and I got some more work stamped today. During lunch, I sat down and tried working on my essay, but I knew it wasn't going to be perfect so I made it a Rough Draft. I had a pretty good idea of what I was going to say before the end of lunch, so when the bell rang, the plan was going to be to finish it all in History, since I have Canneti. I sat down and worked my ASS OFF. I finished that crap. It was perfect. I got some printing paper and made myself a lil cover sheet also. The bullshit about it tho: while I was doing my essay, Canneti was listing everything we need for our Mid-Term tomorrow. So I got some studying to do. I have a B in that class, ima keep it that way. SO I turned in my essay for my Eng 2 class, then we took a test on Julius Caesar. I know I passed that wit flyin colors. I cant wait till the semester is over, and I drop those 2 sophomore classes. I have a B in that class, but I know I can get an A. When I came home I took a 2 hour nap, and now Im writing in this bullshit, which no one reads. Goodtimez. Tomorrow I'm going to the TV taping for Kiwins, so I'm excited. Ya well, peace ya'll...

Tuesday, November 11- I haven't been writing in this thing lately. My badz.. well here goes a summary of what has been happening:

SUNDAY- Happy Hats. No one showed up! Well ya, but not even  nearly half of who showed up last tyme. That's sad. I don't know if these Kiwins members juss did it last tyme cuz they had to because it was Trial Week, but they should of at least of done this one. We still managed to get some money though. After that, I stayed for the Board Meeting at Sylvia's. It was interesting. I was the only guy there, and I was a tad more quiet then usual. I over heard Sylvia and Talayeh singing "Stare At The Sun" by Thrice, while they were in a separate room. I thynk Sylvia was playing the guitar also. If you ever go to this site anymore Sylvia, I juss wanted to let you know, that was BEAUTIFUL. I thought it sounded so nice and soothing. Talent..

MONDAY- Regular day. Skewl was boring. After I came home, I find that Israel isn't here. He has my keys. So I'm locked out. That's meeessssed. Anyway, Susan and Chris came home, so I talked to Susan for awhile, then Maria invited us to her door so we could talk to her also. We all talked for a very long tyme. Israel came back lyk an hour later, around 4:30. I didnt go inside, I juss stayed and talked. We talked till lyk 8:00. We juss watched the sky change its many colors, and juss discussed old timez and all that good stuff, and bad. I got sick. 

That's ryte, I am not feeling to well ryte now. ON MY DAY OFF! Pshhh.. Great, huh? If any of you have the tyme, you should download a song called "Its The Falling in Love" by Michael Jackson. I cant get it outta my head, I thynk its pretty good. Well there goes my entry, I'll catch ya'll later..


Saturday, November 8- Wut up people. Here's what happened today.. I woke up at 7:00 and got ready to go to the beach clean up. When I got there, I was solo. No one arrived yet. Finally Lana Buu showed up. ONLY Lana Buu. So we chatted for a bit, the we got to work. Why are people so lazy? Seriously. Candy wrappers, candles, bottles, fishing wire, mustard, and oil containers, are juss a few things of what we picked up there. We worked hard. There was a HUGE chunk of wood in the ocean, kind of close to the shore, and I went to go get it. I got my clothes and shoes all wet, I should of dressed more "beachy". Whatever there juss clothes. Well, I managed to get the wood on land, and that's when I realized that there were little tiny Barnacles living all over it. I thought for a sec, and made the decision to put the wood back out in the sea, because the Barnacles might die if they were left on land. After that, I didn't care about dodging the waves and all that, cause I was already was wet as could be. We met some other people who were picking up trash [they were doing it because they did bad stuff..], and they were being nice to us and congratulated us on being "good citizens". Well.. its sad that we need people to go out and do this anyways. They told us that before we came, they found a dead baby shark. That was depressing. We reached our destination and worked out way back, and Lana lost one of her sandals [klutz]. I carried a lot of trash on the way back with my hands because more trash washed up ashore, so we didn't let that slide. Lana and I went walking around  the pier, and I bought us something called "Boba". Its these lil ball things that they put in your drink when you order. So I got a strawberry shake thing, with a lot of balls. We walked around, watching people fish, drinking our Boba, and talking about life. A nice relaxing time. She left around 10:00 and I left around 10:30.


    I came home, took a shower, and did a lot of other insignificant things. Then I went golfing with Israel and his friend Eric. That was BOMB. Now, golf is a sport. Shiet, that takes power and concentration. Ya kno I got both of those though. I did pretty good at putting, Israel and Eric were surprised. So we came back and I just relaxed. I started writing a poem, but I don't really lyk how its turning out. Another one of those that I don't really know what I'm writing about. But im sure I'll make some sense out of it soon. Well tomorrow is Happy Hats. I'm looking forward to that. Thing is, I dont know where Sylvia's house is at, that's where were supposed to be meeting. I got another 12 hours to figure that out, so I aint worrying. Ha.. I'm out.. peace.

Friday, November 7- Today was an aight day. Last night was a very tiring night. I only got 4 hours of sleep. I stayed up doing tons of Psychology extra credit and studying for a Science test I had first period. I knew most of the stuff, so it was easy. I went to bed at 11:30, woke up at 2:30, then went to sleep around 5:30, then woke up at 7:00. I was SO unbelievably tired. It all paid off though. Oh, my "friend" Jim pissed me off to the max today. He is juss so.. ignorant. He kept on making remarks about the Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF thing, and how I should "keep the money", and "That the kids with iodine deficiency are not even important". I shut his mouth. Quick. People don't need him, he sure as hell aint making the world a better place. Anywayz, tomorrow ima try to make it to the Beach Clean Up at Redondo beach in the morning, and I might make a trip down to Barnes and Noble afterwards. 

Wednesday, November 5- Regular day. Nuffin happened. I have no homework and I am very tired. I filled up my UNICEF box, and I need another. Matrix Revolutions came out today, seems interesting, might wanna check that out. Seems lyk my GMC Jimmy is gonna cost a pretty hefty amount of money because the person my ma bought it from, bought it from someone else, who gave them a fake smog test certificate thing. So we have to get some things fixed. Hopefully I will be able to take Drivers Ed soon, and be on my way to a license.

Tuesday, November 4- I love lyf. Today was a good day. Well, I kinda didn't go to my first 3 periods today.. I slept in! Am I bad for letting myself relax a little bit more then I was  supposed to?? I thynk not. When I got to skewl, which was exactly at the end of 3rd period, I walked to my next class wit this gurl I thynk is beautiful. Hahaha. That brought a lil smile to my face. MY BUDDY TAMI CALLED ME TODAY!!! We were talking bout skewl and all that good stuff. Sorry, but I'm keeping the red for now bud. Ryte this moment I have to go get ready for my KIWIN'S Induction Ceremony. Get me some cake ryte now..  pshhhh..

Sunday, November 2- Not much happened today. I didnt go to church, my ma didn't feel lyk going I guess, because she didn't wake me up in the morning. I tried taking it easy and I played some Onimusha 2, but the games difficulty juss got me frustrated. So I forgot I had some homework to do, and I checked in my backpack, and my notebook wasn't there. Because I'm SUCH a good student [I wish], I walked down to THS and picked up my science folder and my geometry book so I could sturrrdy. The THS KIWINS Induction is on Tuesday, I'm looking forward to that. Seems fun. Well I guess I'm through, so I'll catch ya on the flipside.. peace!     [and yes, I said flipside]

Saturday, November 1- Yesterday was Halloween '03. It was koo. I went to Lawndale wit my friend Fred. We visited my old elementary skewl, Mark Twain, and we went to some peeps houses, but they werent there. I passed by this girls house that I used have a HUGE crush on for years, Isabel Mendez, but she wasnt there. We also went in Leuzinger High and walked around. I passed by my old friends house, Marcos Yanez, but he wasn't there. I got back around 11:00. I was SO wet and tired. I knocked out right when I got in my bed. I woke up this morning and started playing Zone of the Enders 2, and I'm juss about through wit it. I'll write more later on..

Second Minutez: I beat that dam game! And it was good as hell too. I took a LONG nap afterwards.. I was pooped. Ryte now im listening to AFI Sing the Sorrow. I love that cd. Ya'll should take a listen sometyme..