
Tuesday, September 30- Jim came by and dropped off some cd's for me. That was pretty nice now wasn't it? I got a Science test to study for dammit, I best do good on it. I sware, my grades mean soo much at this point in my lyf. I cannot get any freakin F's.  Yall best pray fo me! Pray fo a brudder!

Saturday, September 27- I did a lot of extra credit work for my Psychology class this morning. After that, my ma came home wit her newly bought El Camino, and we went to a church thing for the Ordination of my uncle. It was koo.  Yesterday I went to the mall and I met my friend Lily and her 2 other friends. It was a fu tyme. I was up in Prints plus looking at all the photos. I wanna be a photographer soo badly. Chances of that happening: zero. But hey, you cant stop a man from dreaming ryte?  Much l0ve ~jas0n~

Tuesday, September 23- I went to the Madrona Back to Skewl Night. I saw Marlene and some of her friends, and I met a gurl named Kelsea there. She seemed koo. It was an aight tyme, I was chillin wit Nahid and Soloman. Im tired now, nitez! 

Friday, September 19- Today was an okay day. 2 of my classes got switched, my first and sixth periods. A new kid moved into my apartment building, I don't kno who he is, and don't really care. I wrote a poem too. My friend Yesie had her baby yesterday! Timothy Madison Valtierra. I love you hun! That's pretty much everything important. I juss got done talkin to my friend Andrea online ryte now. Well its been one people.. ttyl.

Tuesday, September 16- I was infermo 2day.  Bad throat and muchos mocos. I didn't go to to school, and I stayed home and relaxed. My friends Yesie and Evelyn came by in Evelyns dads car. Other then that.. adios.

Monday, September 15- I got some cd's in the mail today that I ordered from!!! I got my Jackson 5 Ultimate Collection, AFI Sing The Sorrow, Michael Jackson Off The Wall, and a book by Stephen King called Bag Of Bones. Thanks Nikki! Well I added a "Poems" section to my site now, if ya wanna check that out. Well I'll talk to yall later.. ima get 2 sleep. Payce.

Saturday, September 13- Today iz National Hispanic Culture Day according to my good friend Jennifer, and for some reason they don't have it on the calendar. Any how.. ya kno I still have to represent my mexican half. Well I went to tha mall earlier and got a Michael Jackson CD called "Blood On The Dance Floor". I was also lookin at some Iverson shirts but they didn't have the right size I was lookin for. While I was there I saw my friend Natalie and her friend Chelsea, and we looked at thongs. l0l. When I came baq home there were 2 gurlz in my house to my surprise, and one of them was kinda cute. Yesterday after skewl, my friend Yesie showed up at the front gates. So me and 2 other gurls walked her home and talked about the baby. She might be givin birth soon. Timothy Madison Machado [or Valtiera]. Other then that.. thatz pretty much all that has happened recently. First weekend of skewl! GoodTimez!

Thursday, September 11- 2 years since those awful incidents that happened in New York and Pennsylvania. Itz hard to believe itz been thiz long. I remember every damned second of that day.. from waking up in the morning and hearing on my radio about a plane running into one of the towers, and turning on the TV and seeing every station with the same horrifying scenes... to seeing both of the towers fall with all those hopeless people in them. My heart goes out to everyone who has lost a loved one on that day.. and I thank god I didn't lose any1. The President has proclaimed that thiz day be called, "Patriots Day" to remember the victims. I juss hope nuffin lyk thiz eva happens again.

Wednesday, September 10- I broke up wit Brittany today. Were not enemies or anything.. were juss not goin out. The was the main thing of the day. She was my longest relationship. 1 month and 2 dayz. l0l. Well Britt.. even tho were not together you'll alwayz have a place in my heart.. Jason And Brittany  8.8.03 - 9.10.03

Sunday, September 7- Last day of the last weekend of summer! NOoo00ooo!! Damn. It was gonna come one day. Miquel took me to get some Air Force Ones today. Ima be all [nike]d out 2marrow. I soo0o0o do not wanna go to skewl. Ahh well. Wish me luck.. baiz people!

Saturday, September 6- I went shopping for clothes wit my bro and we went to so many different places. I got some tight shit tho so itz all good.  I had my party today also. Juss had an Italian dinner and LOTZ of peeps showed up. The whole day was tight, but my step bro kinda killed it for me at the end cuz he complained to me about not talkin to hym b4 he left. That was kinda rude.. shiet I was busy man! The whole world don't revolve around you! Anywayz the day was koo tho, and I enjoyed it. My sis made a lil photo album of me growing up, itz pretty koo too. Thank you everybody 4 comin!

Thursday, September 4- Today was an aight day. I didn't do much. I opened up my stereo that I have been waiting to open for 3 weeks finally, and ya kno I had to bump my Michael Jackson! Then I went to the mall wit Luis and Andres and I bought  naS cd.  LOTZ of peeps called and wished me a happy b-day, thank you all for doin that. I hope thiz next year is gonna be good..

Wednesday, September 3- Me, well I haven't been doing much lately. I was supposed to go to cross country practice for 2 dayz already but my cat keeps waking me up in the night.. taking a couple hours of valuable sleep away from me. I got a haircut today, and it actually looks aight in my terms. Today was the last day I will be 15. I would have to say the past year of me being a sophomore has taught me ALOT about growing up. I experienced so many things.. relationships, school, dealing with suicide and pregnancy, meeting people, problems with myself, and others...and juss plain goodtimez. This has no doubt been my favorite year. I'm not saying it was my "happiest" year, buy my favorite out of all the other 14 ones. l0l. Hopefully my next year will bring me much happiness and success. Thank you all for putting spice in my lyf.