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  Reference on Sabra & Shatila


Sixteen Years After the Sabra-Shatila Massacre (Washington Report on Middle East Affairs)

Palestinians burn Israeli flag to mark Sabra, Shatila massacres (Arabia.com News)

Will Sharon be indicted for Sabra, Shatila war crimes? (Jewish Bulletin News)

Palestinians recall Sabra, Shatila massacre (Arabic News.com)

Sabra and Shatila: Dealing with facts  (BBC)

Sabra & Shatila (Jewish Virtual Library)

SABRA AND SHATILA (Zenjustice.com)

War Crimes (BADIL Resource Center for Palestinian Residency and Refugee Rights)

Noam Chomsky's Account the Sabra and Shatila Massacre and Israeli Air Strikes on Beirut  (The Fateful Triangle, published by Common Courage Press)

Sabra and Shatila MASSACRE (The Real Faces)

Trying Sharon (Palestinemonitor.org)

The Peace Encyclopedia: Sabra and Shatila (Kashmir Information Network)

Arrest Ariel Sharon for War Crimes now (Left Turn.org)

REMEMBER, The Massacres/SABRA and SHATILA!..(Radiorobinhood,fi posting)

The Massacre of Sabra and Shatila in 1982 (Globalarabicworld.com article)

Sabra and Shatila: A message to the living (The Palestinian Society for the Protection of Human Rights and the Environment)

Information on CAMPAIGN TO INDICT SHARON FOR WAR CRIMES (The Palestian Right to Return Commission - UK)

Is the United States funding a war criminal? (Humanity on Hold)

Sabra & Shatilla (ssnp.com)

Sabra and Shatila: crimes against humanity (Redress Information & Analysis)

The Road to Sabra and Shatila (WWW.MARXISTS.DE)

The Massacre of Sabra and Chatila in 1982 (Jerusalemites.org)

Israeli Soldiers Participated in the Massacre (oznik.com news-service)

'Civilised' world's shame (International The News, Pakistan, article)

A review of Israeli terrorism against the Palestinian refugees (The Palestinian News Network)

Nearly Two Decades Later, Ariel Sharon Is Indicted For Sabra and Shatila War Crimes (Washington Report on Middle East Affairs)

Sabra and Shatila at Panorama (Netanyahu.org)

SABRA AND SHATILA REFUGEE CAMP MASSACRE (Incite! Women of Color Against Violence)

Sabra and Shatila: Uncovered at last? (Gamla Online)

A Scar in Palestinian Collective Memory (Forum of Indian Leftists Posting)

The case against Sharon (Al-Ahram Weekly Online)

a review of Israeli terrorism against the Palestinian refugees (The Palestinia Return Centre)

Why Sharon is a War Criminal (Media Monitors Network)

The Revolutionary War Discussion Deck (Killdevilhill.com Posting)