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Briefing on Current Situation in Georgia and Implications for U.S. Policy
Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe
Monday, October 25, 1993
Washington, DC

The briefing was held in room 2322 Rayburn House Office Building, Washington, DC, at 10 a.m., Samuel Wise moderator presenting. ...

"Director Wise. All right. I'm going to open the briefing now of the Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe and welcome you this morning to a briefing that we are pleased to be able to sponsor on subject of the war-torn country of Georgia. ...

In September, Georgian forces were defeated in the year-long conflict with Abkhazia. The forces of Georgian leader Eduard Shevardnadze are now fighting supporters of ousted president Zviad Gamsakhurdia, in Western Georgia.

Shevardnadze has been reduced to appeal to Russia and the CIS, Commonwealth of Independent States, which Georgia joined only last week for assistance in securing strategic rail lines connecting Western Georgia and the rest of the country, as well as Armenia and Azerbaijan.

Russian forces have agreed to ensure control of these rail lines, though they staunchly deny intervention in Georgian domestic affairs.

Even Georgian supporters of Shevardnadze have reacted with bitterness to his invitation to Russia and his political prospects appear bleaker than ever. Meanwhile, President Clinton sent Shevardnadze last week a letter of strong continued support and an invitation to visit Washington...

Having played at best an ambitious role in the Georgian conflict, the Russians have now assured Secretary Christopher in Moscow that they will join the United States in supporting Shevardnadze.

"Mr. Goltz. ...  Mr. Gamsakhurdia is a very problematic character, there is no question about this. But he did have something which we would call democratic legitimacy. He was removed from power by a putch. ... But ladies and gentlemen, my content is that the basic problem for Eduard Shevardnadze in maintaining control of Georgia today is that his house is built on sand; his government was built on the basis of a putch, a military putch against democratically elected leader of this country.

Also, the sad thing for Mr. Shevardnadze today and his ultimate survivability, is that everything that has happened since 1992, since the day of the putch, has been a fulfillment of the direst predictions of the Gamsakhurdia crowd. I do not agree with their predictions, but everything has been fulfilled.

They said that Gamsakhurdia has been putched in order to bring Shevardnadze back to Tbilisi. People denied this. But 3 months later, Shevardnadze was back in Tbilisi. Shevardnadze's people then went to Abkhazia looting along the way. That was Mr. Kitovani, then the Mkhedrioni, aggravating what had previously been political problem between the government of Georgia and the government of the autonomous Abkhaz republic into a conventional war and then beyond a conventional: A war marked by great atrocities on both sides.

If you speak with the Gamsakhurdia crowd today or even a month ago, their prediction was that Shevardnadze was in Sukhumi in order to sell out the city, to give it to the Abkhaz, to give it to the Russians in order to force Georgia back into the Commonwealth of Independent States and Invite Russian troops back into the country.

And all these things happened. I don't agree with the "Grand Conspiracy" aspect of this, but the facts once again are underscored in
red ink: for those who support the idea of democratic legitimacy in Georgia, whether they liked Mr. Gamsakhurdia or not, Mr. Shevardnadze is at the very last a total failure, or to believe the Gamsakhurdia crowd, he is a part of a grand conspiracy to bring Georgia back into the CIS. ...

There is the internal dynamic of the dissolution of Georgia, there is also external. The external I will leave for you with a phrase from the Russian which is, "Protiv loma net prepona", which means "There is no defense against a crow bar", and I think this is certainly true in Georgia today. ...

This morning I spoke with Tbilisi and I was informed that Russian troops had not only deployed, but that they were going forward in tanks they had brought in-in the Poti region and elsewhere in western Georgia against the Gamsakhurdia crowd, who had been obliged to retreat. ...

"There is no defense against a Crow Bar"

October 22, Tank regiment located in the town of Kutaisi, Western Georgia approached Dafnari village and appealed to the Gamsakhurdia's National Guard for the permission to pass through the region towards Vani town in order to transfer their families from Kutaisi to Batumi. The same armed group (without family members) came back from Vani and breaking through the defense line near Dafnari continued the way to Samtredia. At the same time the second part of the tank regiment supported by Russian aviation and artillery attacked Samtredia and Khoni settlements from the side of Kutaisi - 220 houses were destroied and 17 civilians were killed. To avoid ruining of this settlements, National Guard was forced to leave the territory controlled by them. Two other regiments of Russian Air Landing Troops were observed participating in military actions against Georgia at the same time.

October 23, after seizing Samtredia and Khoni, Russian Troops started the air bombardment of Abasha and Martvili regions. On October 24 they broke through Abasha and Martvili defense line.

October 25, Russian troops occupied Senaki, on October 26 - Khobi and October 28 - Poti.

October 26, the additional forces "Dzerzhinski Division" were transferred from Russia.

October 27, the National Guard of Georgia started the counter attack.

October 28, Khobi was liberated by National Guard, heavy fights were carried out for Senaki.

October 30, Senaki was also liberated. It became obvious, that the Russian forces involved in these military operations were not enough to resist the military offensive of National Guard. Before the arrival of additional Russian Landing troops -- the occupants started the heavy air bombardment of Senaki region (National Guard has shot down 3 Russian military aircrafts SU-27).

November 2, the special landing group (located in Sevastopol, Ukraine) of Black Sea Navy was transferred to Poti. Under the official approval of Mr. Kravchuk, President of Ukraine, following military ships of Black Sea Navy have been participating in the aggression against the Republic of Georgia: BDK "N.Olshanski" with admiral Baltin, Commander of Black Sea Navy on board, SKR "Pitliviy", SKR "Sderzhanniy", BDK "Ts.Kunikov", BDK "69", SDK "02", MTS "Zenitchik", MPK "127", TM "Sventa", SB "524". The group of ships was inforced with the Black Sea Marine Infantry battalions -- 1910 OBRMP and 126 DBO. In the possession of Marine Infantry battalions were 36 military units: 7 tanks "PT 76", 10 armored carriers (BTR), 3 BRDM, 3 SAU "Nona", 4 SAU "2 S-l", 3 ESU "Shilka", 6 PTUR vehicles (on BRDM basis) and trucks. Almost 70% of the personnel were the citizens of Ukraine (who had given the oath of loyalty of Ukraine), however the commandment - citizens of Russia (who had given the oath of loyalty to Russia). The same day (November 2) 2 battalions (700 soldiers) of "Dzerzhinski Division" occupied Chkhorotsku and Tsalenjiha.

On November 3 the Black Sea Marine Landing Troops arrived to Anaklia from sea. Thus the legal armed forces of the Republic of Georgia were totally circled. National Guard left Senaki.

"The support of the Russian military had played an important role in the success of government forces. However, according to all reliable sources Russian regular forces had taken no part in actual fighting, though there were reports on the participation of a limited number of Russian mercenaries. The Russians took the positions that got earlier occupied by the Georgian government forces. On November, following an agreement between Mr.Shevardnadze and Commander in Chief of the Black Sea Fleet Admiral E. Baltin, units of the fleet landed in Poti to consolidate the government control over the key harbor and help establish order in the town. It seemed that the Russian military presence had for the most part an intimidating effect on the insurgents, and it sufficed to crucially reduce their fighting potency."


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