Abdullah Farouk
    No Sheik page could be complete unless recognition was given to the one person who was responsible for molding the Sheik into the monster he became. Abdullah Farouk (above being interviewed by (Terry Sullivan), known to millions as "the weasel" became the Sheik's manager in 1965, a partnership that would last the next fifteen years.  Under his guidance, the Sheik would be crowned U.S. Champion and would maintain that position for six years straight. Invading the rings, passing foreign objects as well as distracting the referees were just a few of the activities Farouk would engage in to insure the Sheik's victory. It was this actions that allowed Farouk to hold the lofty position as "wrestling's most hated manager".
    In the late 70's, Farouk, while still managing the Sheik, went to the World Wide Wrestling Federation (WWF) and became "The Grand Wizard".  Under his tutelage, many wrestlers went on to achieve various championships, a feat the wrestlers attribute to the Wizard's guidance and knowledge of the business.
    In 1983, wrestling lost one of true giants with the death of Ernie Roth (Abdullah Farouk). No wrestling personality can ever compare to Ernie. His talents in/out of the ring were legendary; his ability at the microphone, unsurpassed. It's unfortunate that his untimely death had to occur just before the WWF was to begin broadcasting nationwide. Many fans just have not idea what they have missed.