About Me
Name: Sherri
Birthday: 30 August 1982
Country: USA
Star Sign: Virgo
Favorite Author: Anne Rice
Favorite Band/Singer: Chantal Kreviazuk

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Kansas University
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If you've made it to this site, you're either a close friend who feels pity for me and visits only to make me feel important or you're of the other type -- perhaps intrigued, slightly interested, bored, or a little of everything.

I am a senior at Kansas University, majoring in English, minoring in Classical Antiquity. I'm not necessarily the typical American author (first in that I don't have a full blown novel ripe for publishing) -- I don't take opium, I'm not an alcoholic, I don't smoke two packs of Camels a day, I don't smoke pot every chance I get -- that's right, I'm everything but the fun stuff. But hey, I've got the whole 'dark and mysterious' thing sort of going for me....

As a side job, I work for the KBS under a program funded by the great ol' EPA. Fun stuff, eh?

Feel free to look around but don't forget to check out my online journal -- it may not knock your socks off but it'll certainly make your eyes roll.

Last Updated on 17 August 2003

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