Haruko posing

Shinji[tEs]'s Haruko page
Welcome to my Haruko shrine. Making a shrine usually isn't the kinda thing I'd do...but I have to say, Haruko has a certain charm that no other anime character has. So, this page is dedicated to the one and only Haru-hara Haruko.
Who is this weirdo?
Haruko is a 19 year old...alien...according to her. She's one of the main characters in FLCL. She stays with Naota and works as a maid...of sorts, although she doesn't do much. When a monster appears out of Naota's head, she comes around and battles it with her bass guitar. She's also pretty good at baseball.
Why a shrine for Haruko?
Well, I don't think she's the best looking anime character out there...She can be cute sometimes, but like I said, there's a certain charm to her that sets her apart from all other anime characters, in my opinion anyway. I think she's cool because she plays bass...Alot fewer girls play guitar than guys in my opinion...in real life, and even less in anime, so in that sense, she stands out. She also runs around whacking people with her guitar, and in some cases, can take out entire crowds with just that.

Also...She has a cool motorbike called a Vespa, on which she does some fun looking tricks on during the end credits. Somehow I think her voice is sexy...in an odd way. She's a funny character, but can look evil, with bright glowing eyes and such. She's also cool in a nurse outfit...and uhh...she picks her nose! All in all, she's bad ass!!!

Anything else?
-Umm...I play guitar, and if I were to have a band, I think it would be really cool to have someone like her jumping around on stage while playing. :]

-I saw a bit of FLCL at an anime convention...and until I actually got a copy of it, I wasn't really sure, but I thought she was a guy... o_o

Haruko... Looking Surprised - In a Maid Outfit - Posing with Guns
Wallpaper of Haruko in a nurse outfit, aiming her guitar like a gun. (Hosted at animewallpapers.com)

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