e-Shop for you and your business

Here you can find out some pictures from e-Shop that sells Seeds from Amsterdam. Actually with this shop you can sell anything you want to. Here we present the number of the screenshorts (not all) for your attention so that you could have a better understanding of how the shop could look. You can order from us this shop for your business. Seed-related business is very profitable, respectable and promising one and needless to mention that you can use this shop to sell any other product you wish to. The shop contains of 2 parts: customer part and shop's administrator part.

As a customer, you can:

- see the list of the products
- observe selected product
- send the link of this product too your friend
- see the list of top sellers
- see online currency rate exchangge
- search for the particular produccts on the basis of your search criteria
- buy selected products using the number of the payment methods providing different billing and shipping addresses
- log into the system and change yyour contact details, password of your account, billing and shipping addresses, check out the status of your order, check out your carts.
- contact the admin of the site - check out FAQ of the system
- get the invoices if you need theem

As an administrator of the system, you can:

- watch and print out the financiaal and sales reports
- manage banking list and the bankks used in your business
- manage your admin account
- manage the list of the errors off the system
- manage the inventory list of youur products
- manage the messages, both incommming and outcomming
- manage payment methods
- manage the products
- manage shipping methods
- manage customers of the system

The price of the shop now is only 3,999 EUR (this is due to Xmas discount politics that we provide) We also provide free support and free installation of our e-Shop for your business. For any questions or to order the shop please feel free to email to: shopsbusinesstrader@google.com Please note that the shop design is changable and can be adjusted for your particular style.

Some screen shots from Customer part:

Some screen shots from Administrator part: