Jaburu Tribe Members

Disclaimer: This is purely work of the opinions of Shrew and NSync Girl. To the best of our knowledge none of these people ever said any of these things! We don't mean any copyright infringement, etc. We are just having some fun. Please don't sue us, because we are quite poor and you won't get much.

She's going all the way because
she is not a backstabbing little tramp.

"Everyone will turn on me because I am thinking
about strategy and not getting in Alex's pants!"

"Screw the alliance with the women. Dave is hot!
I am such a little bitch!"

"At least have a good reason for voting me off!"

"It was Janet! I'm a malicious bitch!"

"Deena stabbed me in the back!!
She knew I was trying to get in Alex's pants
and she wanted to vote him out anyway. That bitch!"

"Jesus loves me so keep that damn immunity idol away!
I didn't know there would be an immunity idol on Survivor!"

"Feel bad for me, I am so miserable! Life on the island is SO HARD!
Ooohhh...boys!! I feel so revieved now that I can hoe myself to the boys!"