Tambaqui Tribe Members

Disclaimer: This is purely work of the opinions of Shrew and NSync Girl. To the best of our knowledge none of these people ever said any of these things! We don't mean any copyright infringement, etc. We are just having some fun. Please don't sue us, because we are quite poor and you won't get much.

"All the girls wanna get in my pants.
I am such a stud!"

"I don't know anyone's name!"

"I have malaria! I knew the amazon was unsanitary!"

"Heidi and I are just friends who cuddle. I work at NASA...I clean the toilets.
Once Roger was gone I knew I was screwed.

"I am a raging wack job. I am going to kill everyone
in their sleep and then eat them all."

"I am a funny little mofo. Even though I totally stabbed Deena in the back.
But I had good reason...Jenna said she would give me head if I kept Alex on."

"I am such a pig! Women are second class citizens.
I can't imagine why they would vote me off?"

"Damn! I am really hot!"
Shrew and *NSync Girl are still weeping over the loss of Ryan.