Psychology Notes - Cultural Association for Psychology Research

(Appunti di Psicologia - Associazione culturale per la ricerca psicologica)
(Edited by Raeleen Mautner)


The electronic meeting place for "Appunti di Psicologia" (Psychology Notes)


If you intend to participate and contribute to this electronic conference, read the following instructions carefully.

Requests for subscribing should be sent to

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Contributions and all other messages, should be sent to:

Topics of the Conference

"Psicologia" is an instrument, conceived of to facilitate the exchange of ideas, opinions, experiences and information, among professionals, that are related directly or indirectly to the discipline of psychology.

The Conference is open also to the contributions of students of psychology and psychotherapy.

The principles of the Association and statutes, upon which we hope you'll reflect, are contained in our

Website : APPUNTI DI PSICOLOGIA (Cultural Association for Psychology Research)

on the World Wide Web at the following address:

As with any mailing list, the success of "psicologia" depends on the contributions that every subscriber will want to make available to others who use the Internet.

Contributions regarding clinical or non-clinical cases, should in any case, omit any information that could even remotely identify persons, facts or circumstances.


English Pages

(Copyright 1995-1996-1997-1998-1999 by Dr. S. Manai)