

This is www.anglo-saxon.org. It's being added to regularly at the moment, so pop back later to see what's new! This site is about Anglo-Saxon culture and history (until 1066).
Please click on the section below that you wish to view:

Animated Thor's Hammer Timeline of Anglo-Saxon History, including maps of the various kingdoms through the ages.

Animated Thor's Hammer See the photos of ancient monuments I took during the summer of 1999 - go to my Ancient Monuments Of England page. At the moment there are pictures of Wayland's Smithy, and the reconstructed Anglo-Saxon village at West Stow in Suffolk.

Animated Thor's Hammer Bibliography - books about Anglo-Saxon history, culture.

Animated Thor's Hammer Why anglo-saxon.org exists, and what its aims are.

Animated Thor's Hammer Visit my links page for sites about Anglo-Saxon history and culture. Also links to places where you can buy stuff like swords, drinking horns, and seaxes (a type of Anglo-Saxon knife).

Animated Thor's Hammer Kings of the Anglo-Saxons - lists and Genealogies of the kings of the Anglo-Saxon kingdoms - UPDATED!

Animated Thor's Hammer Runes - the Anglo-Saxon runic Futhorc, and the old English Rune Poem.

Animated Thor's Hammer View the Anglo-Saxon.org Guestbook

Animated Thor's Hammer Sign the Anglo-Saxon.org Guestbook

Coming soon:

Virtual Museum - photographs of both actual Anglo-Saxon antiquities (archaelogical finds) and reproduction items owned by anglo-saxon.org.

The White Horse Stone, legendary cenotaph of the Anglo-Saxon hero Horsa will be added to the Ancient Monuments page.

Some groups are trying to keep Anglo-Saxon culture and history alive. One such group is Ša-Engliscan-GesiŽas (The English Companions), a historical society that aims to promote interest in English pre-Norman history and culture. They have a web site at http://www.kami.demon.co.uk/gesithas/.
Another group is the Angelseaxisce Ealdriht, who have a huge amount of information on Heathenry available at their web site: http://heathengyldas.com/ealdriht/. Their aim is to practice the pre-Christian religion of the Anglo-Saxons as they practised it, and to live by their values.

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This site was last updated 04/03/01.

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Some of the graphic images used in this site were supplied by

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What are the graphics of?
The background shows the Anglo-Saxon god of war, frenzy, ecstasy and poetry, Wodan (Odin), on his eight-legged horse Sleipnir.
The strange text at the top of the page is the title of the page in Old English, and has been rendered using the Anglo-Saxon runes. The modern English word underneath is usually the modern equivalent, but sometimes, when I cannot find a suitable modern word, I have used something different.
The rotating icon is Thunor's (Thor's) Hammer.