Santa Clara Valley Canary & Exotic Bird Club
January 8, 1978
Santa Clara High School Cafetorium

Pot-luck: 1:00 P.M.
Meeting: 1:45 P.M.

Bring Your Own Tableservice

A-G Hot Dish
H-P Dessert
Q-Z Salad


Dear Members,

Our Past Pres. Leonard Quieto wishes to thank each member for their part in making this past year such a successful term of office.

The results of our December election were as follows:
Pres. -- Joe Gordon
Vice Pres. -- Chuck Arella
Sec. -- Nikkie McClatchie
Tres. -- Margaret Roche
Newsletter -- Delilah Quieto
Rep.-at-Large -- Howard Hansel & Dianne Klyn

Congratulations to the new slate of officers!

Dues ($12.00) may be sent to Nikkie McClatchie, 927 Peggy Ln., Menlo Park, 94025. The dues must be paid by Feb. 15th for your name to appear on the new roster. Bands & color food will be availablefrom Leonard Quieto after Jan. 1st. Your dues must be paid before you can purchase the bands.

The program this month will be "QUESTIONS & ANSWERS ON BREEDING SEASON". Now is the time to think about the birds you ware going to pair-up to get certain colors, get your breeding cages all set, shred your burlap for the nests and last but not least, I hope you have been getting your birds into breeding condition. If not, it's still not too late, come to the meeting & get more details.

NOTE TO THOSE OF YOU WHO ARE JOINING OR RENEWING YOUR MEMBERSHIP TO THE A.F. of A. All clubs who are members of the A.F. of A. may collect new memberships and renewals and keep $1.00 for the club treasury and remit the balance to A.F.of A. You may pay either Margaret Roche or Nikkie.

The members of the club wish to extend their condolences to Mr. & Mrs. Dan Gama on the recent death of Dan's mother, Mrs. Sarah Gama.

Do you remember the windy night of Tuesday, Dec. 20th? I know Joe Gordon won't forget. The wind blew the top off his outside aviary and he lost 52 out of his 60 birds. What a sad sight that must have been!

Those bringing birds for the raffle this month are Mae & Roland Skirrow, Ruth & Glenn Mitchell & Nikkie McClatchie.

* * * * * F O R  S A L E * * * * *

VIOLA NEILL has informed me she has available several copies of the Parrots of the World that sells for $40.00. Anyone wanting a copy can buy one for $35.00.

GORDON WINDISH has Canaries for sale.

Won't get to see you at the meeting as we will be in L.A. for the Western Type Bird Show. Have fun!

Delilah Quieto

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