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Turn Java Script Off To Dissolve The Shadow Ads.......The Shadow Ads.

Hello my name is John Marques Carramao and I will be your host here at The Garden which comes to you from here in the San Francisco Bay Area, to be more precise, Walnut Creek, California U.S.A.. The Garden was the first active site on the internet dedicated solely to John Foxx. Of course I could not let one of my all time favorite artists be without representation on the internet. It can only get better from here. I intend for The Garden to be a place where fans of John Foxx can wander in, sit down and gaze at the beauty of The Garden. So I'll have pictures of sunsets and wide horizons from the edge of the world, information on John Foxx and hopefully much more. So rest assured you are not the last John Foxx fan left alive on Earth, we are still here, like a miracle, and I would like The Garden to be a place that you enjoy to visit, A John Foxx experience, if you will. I have strived to create a special atmosphere and it's here for you.

1997 heralded two brand new releases on John's new 'Metamatic' record label. They are 'Shifting City' with Louis Gordon and 'Cathedral Oceans, John's first new albums since 1985. Live concerts were performed in support of these two new releases in October 1997 and in April 1998. For more news on what John Foxx is currently doing, just head over to the 'Underpass' section of The Garden. The new Exo Tour cd and ep are out with limited pressings of 500 and 1,000 respectively, so if you've got one take good care of it. Besides musical pursuits, John Foxx has been doing are cover art for books, his latest efforts include the cover for a book entitled "Pandoras Box". It is picture book size and is about Greek Mythology. The Publisher is Bullfinch Press and is currently in book shops now. The cover design is the trademark John Foxx art with statues motif, similar to his artwork on the inner sleeve of The Garden and Nation 12 single. "The Moors Last Sigh" is his most recent effort. John's bookcover artwork is brilliant and he is regarded as one of the top graphic artists around, not only that, John also does academic instruction on graphic design at Universities. A man of many parts, and all of them talented.

The Golden Section is the realm of The Garden where the John Foxx discography is located. The discography now includes each and every John Foxx release to date. In Mysterious Ways is were references and links to other John Foxx related sites on the internet are located. Assembly is where John Foxx reflects on various ideas and topics on his life, experiences, music and songs. 20Th Century features John Foxx's latest work, cover art and design for books, A Secret Life features a John Foxx Q & A where John answers many of the questions that fans had wrote in to him, Nation 12 offers a look at John Foxx's work as Nation 12, Underpass features the latest news and information pertaining to John Foxx and Car Crash Flashback features rare John Foxx singles and his appearances on other albums and the most recent addition to The Garden 'The Quiet Man' which is a story written by John Foxx, Remember which is a section of 'The Quiet Man' and A Kind of Wave is an interview with John Foxx aired on TV in France. Ballad For Mr. X is a poem that I've written dedicated to John Foxx and Stars On Fire is a mini John Foxx interview library featuring various interviews with John Foxx culled from the music press and my reflections on Cathedral Oceans. Click below to proceed, to the various locations of The Garden like a ghost on water, traveling endlessly towards The Golden Section, In Mysterious Ways, 20Th Century, Assembly, A Secret Life, Underpass or Car Crash Flash Back.

The Garden - Table Of Contents

| The Golden Section | Nation 12 | Cathedral Oceans |

| Underpass | 20TH Century | A Secret Life |

| The Quiet Man | Car Crash Flash Back |

| Ballad For Mr. X | A Kind Of Wave |

| Remember | Stars On Fire |

| In Mysterious Ways |

| Assembly |

Thank you for visiting The Garden. The Garden now features a complete discography, including John Foxx's Ultravox discography onward including single, lp, cd and video releases plus John's work with other artists. The newly completed discography included the reworking of the Metamatic Discography to include the CD bonus tracks, also I plan on having the lyrics included as well in the near future, and a whole lot more is planned for The Garden so stay in touch, visit at your leisure and maybe drop me a line and let me know what you think. The Garden will be here for you to visit as you pass through the hustle and bustle of the web.


Take a journey to my own personal Home Page, 'The Carramao Stratospheres'. Where you are invited to see what's been transpiring in my life, where you can be introduced to The Friends of Mr. Carramao, view the activities I participate in, see the places that I like to go to and visit the various interesting links that I've included as well. It's my story and you're welcome to it. I am also the lead vocalist and keyboard player for The Damage Control Party. We play a unique style of what I term Ambient Rock. Very emotive music that carries you away to a far off place in thought. Visit our homepage at your leisure.

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This site is maintained and authored by John Marques Carramao for John Foxx fans who are sitting at the edge of the world. For contact click here: real-one@ix.netcom.com and share your thoughts on your visit to The Garden. Contact me if you have any information regarding John Foxx for inclusion to The Garden. Very Special thanks go to Alec Way, and to Paul Jones, Dave Michel and Carlo Adan for their contributions to The Garden and to Jason Baer, Mark J. Coddington, Douglass Neil, Leon Kuntz and Alan Sharif for their kind words and positive encouragement. Thanks also to Warren Cann, a true gentleman, for taking the time to answer the many questions myself and other FoxxVox subscribers have sent to him. I have greatly appreciated the outpouring of support and positive feedback that I have received from the many John Foxx & Ultravox fans who have visited this site. I am gratified to know that The Garden is appreciated so much. Thank You.

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