Other Links

Here are some of my favorite non-Tomcat related links. I tried to choose the best pages I could find in each subject matter. Hope y'all like 'em...

Wicked bands and other music links:

Metallica Pink Floyd
The Doors Nirvana

OLGA: The best source for guitar tablatures
Ultimate Band List: A great place to find your favorite band's HomePage, lyrics, guitar tabs and a whole load of other stuff.

My favorite Movies and TV shows:

Friends The X-Files
The Simpsons Star Wars

Best sports teams on the face this planet:

The Montreal Canadiens
The Dallas Cowboys
The Oakland Athletics

Some other hard to categorize favorites:

Cartoon World Molson Online
TSN online Internet Movie Database
Picture utility archive: A great site that offers a complete collection of image and movie viewers for Dos, Win, Mac and Unix

Finally, for those who disagree with my choices and think they can do better, and/or for those who have different tastes than I, here is a list of the best net-searching tools available:

Alta Vista Excite
Lycos Open Text Index
Searching the Galaxy Webcrawler
World Wide Web Worm (WWWW) Yahoo
Starting Point Navigate dot Net
Infoseek Professional (This is a pay service, however they offer a one month free trial)

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