Welcome. Read my Shitty Stories

Update June 2 1999

Ok these are a few stories I wrote for My Creative writing class and ones written at my own Accord. The stories with a STAR beside the names are ones I just wrote by myself and will naturally be much more graphic and probably alot shittier writing to them but more enjoyable. Well try and Enjoy these stories anyway...


All Poems and Stories by: MIKE HORN (that's me ya dumb fuck)

Dissolved from Within

pale face, twists and contorts
as sepsis chews through the torso.
vomit, regurgitation of entrails,
fetid black capilaries ejected from the inside.

Extremeties turn black and flake off.
Liver, turned to mush, kidney's seeping
through the sores in her back.
de-fingered hands tremble and rot.

Defecation of the bowels
fly's buzz and give birth.
Necrophagous Larvae writhe in her rot.
Poor girl choking on her own burning pus.

Family cries, as their child dies
Why is God taking their daughter?
Tears well up in the mother's eyes
as she watches her own child decay alive.

Teenaged soul escapes from the body
as she haemorrhages from her throat.
Emotionless doctors ask the parents
if they can keep her corpse as a specimen.

Post death convulsions tremor violently
as the maggots bathe in the liquid skin.
The siblings cry, as their sister dies
The cheery young woman, now food for revolting young flies.

Her pillow saturated by her pulped up seeping cerebellum.
The tubes hooked into her fall from her grisled, twisted arms.
A child dies as her loved ones wept.
Atrocious waste of of life.

Blood clots to medical machinery as the twitching stops.
Rotten corpse, septic before death.
smell of internal rot fills the nostils of the grieving parents
as they watch their daughter is thrown in a garbage bag.


year 2012

Mike Hootch had been Flying the Damn
Airplane for hours. His old Friends Melanie, Roger,
Geoff, Kris, and Jess had convinced him to fly his
shitty little beat up plane to Africa so they
could see the ancient Tunic and Roman ruins in
the ancient City of Carthage. Mike had arranged
for one of his acquaintances that lived in the
area to leave open room for him to land. It was
only about another hour until they reached
their Destination. Mike was none too excited to
go see some old war destroyed city but he had
nothing better to do and he did do this for a
living after all. It wouldn't be so bad though,
being there with his friends.

He began thinking about all the whiskey he
had packed and a smile crossed his lips. "I might
have the time of my life after all", he thought
and continued to fly. He was a pathetic useless drunk.
He had seen pictures of
Carthage and read about it. It was nothing
special. He never knew why his friends had wanted
to go see it. maybe because they were into that.
That whole group had Traveled all over the
world. So had Mike though for that matter, but
strictly for business. This time he would at least
get to go have a look and see why everyone
visits foreign places.


They Arrived over top of Africa and Mike
began flying lower looking for his landing spot.
He saw it, a crumbling Cement landing pad amidst
lush green fields of grass. he could see where
they would be walking when they landed. Mike
couldn't really tell what was what, he'd see
soon enough.

The plane touched down and began to slow.
Mike could hear the excited chatter from his
friends in the back. He remained Silent as the old
plane lurched to a halt and threw the luggage
around. He stood up and went to the back of the
plane where everyone was sitting. They had
already stood up and were heading for the rear
door. Mike smiled as he saw the Used Vomit bags in
the corner. He'd forgotten how Sick Jess got
after he had flown. And With Mike Driving, it was
garaunteed he'd puke all over.

Mike Got out and followed everyone to the
side of the plane where he opened the side and
took everyone's suitcases out for them. He
directed them to the large, yet dilapidated house
where Pat (the man who's landing pad they were
using) lived. They walked up to the door and
there was a note Taped to it which Read:

Mike and Everyone else:
I will be gone for the next 2 weeks. make yourself
at home and please leave food out in Bowl in the
Back For Elmer (My dog). Don't worry, he's big but
won't bite. Just leave him there in the back yard.
The Food is in the tool shed. Thanx.


"Fair Enough", said Mike. "He's not here, but he
said to make ourselves at home". Mike Went
"Where did he Go? Wasn't he supposed to show us
the way to Carthage?" asked Melanie.
"Don't worry, I know how to get there, it's right
over there...", replied Mike as he pointed to some
bright green grassy hills. "...just over that hill
to the right a bit. I saw it when we were coming

They too their backpacks with what they
would need. Food, extra clothes in case of a
temperature drop, but in the hot conditions of
Africa, there would be no need for those. Mike
packed all he would need. Five 40 ounce bottles
of Whiskey and lunch consisting of a Beer, water,
and big ass submarine sandwich. This reminded him
to feed the dog.

As Mike walked around back a sickeningly
sweet odour hit his nose. He just ignored it and
opened the gate, expecting to get jumped by a
killer hound. Instead there was nothing. There
was a large Tin Bowl with Dog food in it, a newly
built Tool Shed, and a Dog Collar Laying on the
ground. This Struck Mike as odd. But seeing as how
there was a large amount of Dog Food, Mike
Continued on back with his friend. Kris had just
finished telling a joke. Mike could tell it was
another of his famous dirty jokes because of how
everyone was making disgusted noises and

"Well Let's go" Spoke up Melanie. Everyone
started walking to their destination. Something
else hit Mike as Strange. No Bugs. Nothing. Not
one sign of life was present except for the grass
and the few trees around. No one seemed to
Notice. Mike never really cared either he just
wanted to get this over with and head back to
Pat's house.

They had Arrived at Carthage no one was
there but them. It was getting Dark. They
searched around and saw all the once mighty but
now crumbled structures. Mike actually was
having a better time than he thought. They went
into an exposed basement or cellar made out of
Bricks and stone and drank of the many 40 ounce
whiskey bottles. No one was around so they
eventually passed out on top of a large ancient
shelter of some kind.


This is what Mike's hazy pathetic memory
could Recall. Now they had awakened at
Carthage. The same Carthage. The same Place but
yet it wasn't. The Sky was red as Blood and
raining down on the city's that were in sight.
Faces screamed from the sky and gave unearthly
cries of torment. They had awakened on a sea of
Bodies. Animal and human Bodies. Mutilated
utterly beyond recognition. Piles of Pulverized
viscera were stacked neatly and rotting corpses
gazed with their blank stares. Eyes just jelly in
the back of their heads. Necrophagous Maggot
colonies sputtered and writhed in the decayed
organs. Huge pits had opened in the ground, filled
with blood. Dead children, missing limbs, still
bleeding and still dying, bobbed up and down in
these ghastly puddles screaming for help.
Inverted Crosses were Ablaze all throughout the
country side as far as the eyes could see. People
Were nailed to the ancient Carthage Ruins.
Amidst the panic Mike could hear his friends
screaming and Crying. Kris had tried to get the
rest of them out of Carthage but with no luck.
Flames burst through the ground in front of
them. In a Panic he began Calling Mike.

Mike's ears picked up the sound of Kris and
the others Yelling. He sprinted as fast as he
could in the direction and tripped. As he put his
hands out to break his fall they went through
the sternum of a rotting infant and into the
mushy insides. Mike Began Uncontrollably heaving
his stomach contents out over himself. A
Combination of him being hung over and the
pungency released from the freshly exposed
internal rot caused his sudden nausea.

Mike staggered to his feet and Continued
running towards the screams. He could see his
friends. And Something else. This was not right at
all. Someone, SomeTHING about 10 foot tall. It
was humanoid with Giant membranous wings, like
that of a bat. Large Powerful arms and it's face,
Its face terrified Mike. Hideous and Revolting. It
had 4 eyes, the colour of rancid yellow urine. It's
mouth opened until it's spike studded chin was at
it's navel. It picked jess up by the shirt and forced
his head into it's mouth and Chewed down. It's
teeth dug into Jess' temples. All Mike could hear
was flames crackling and Jess screaming "Help
Meeee Oh God Nooo...". Mike threw an empty
whiskey bottle at the creatures head. It
shattered and the monster barely twitched. Jess
began yelling for help and was quickly cut off as
the top of his skull and a good section of his
cerebrum was ripped from his head and devoured.
Melanie, Geoff, Kris, and Roger ran toward Mike
their eyes wide with sheer terror and shock. The
looked back but the demon didn't follow. The
horrid beast simply dug it's hand into Jess' torso
and using his bowels like a handle on a basket,
flew away into the red rain with Jess' carcass
hanging below it.

Roger quickly led them down a flight of
stairs into a small underground ruin where they
had been before. Or had they? They were too
distraught to think straight. They had just
awoke from a pleasant nights sleep in a sea of
blood and pus and a field of Bodies. And on top of
it one of their best friends had just had his
cranium ripped off. The state of shock they were
in was intense and it had a devastating affect
on them. A few of them passed out. Mike
Commenced to regurgitating again. It was pure
utter chaos. Mike's eyes burned and everything
began spinning and he fell over.


Mike woke up in the same place he passed out.
Everyone else was standing around him. They
still had terror in their eyes but they were more
calmed down and thinking straight now that
they had been away from the repugnance above
them for a while. Mike's head had hit the wall and
gashed his fore head. He could feel trickles of
warm blood running into is hair and down his
face. He got to his feet and noticed something,
Kristopher was no longer there. "What the hell.
Where do Kristopher go? Oh No, Where Did he go to
now?" Mike Sputtered in a dazed state.
"He Left", Shouted Geoff. "He went to see if there
was a way out! He's been gone for 10 minutes. He
have to go look for him"

Mike put his head in his hand and muttered, "That
stupid Shit. Lets go see if we can find him, but if
we can't in a the next few minutes we're coming
back here.
Mel Spoke up "But Kris is....", She was cut off by

"Look, if we can't find him he's probably dead.
What is the sense of us getting killed too? We'll
try our damndest, but you saw what happened to
Jess! That God Damn thing ate half of his head!"

They cautiously started up the stairs when
they heard a loud gurgling sound. It was Kris, He
flopped down the stairs. They quickly ran down
after him and grabbed him. What they saw made
them feel utterly sick. Kris's face was covered in
Pulsating blisters. They weren't regular heat
blisters. They were Large Purulent Boils covering
his face growing larger. He tried to talk but
whenever he did pieces of his lungs drooled out
of his mouth and he began coughing out his
insides. He finally gargled out 2 words... "The...

Mike Held him up by the shirt and the pus
filled bubbles on his face began expanding. The
began making a horrible sloshing noise and
exploded. Kris's Whole face Burst. The sludge that
was once his face shot all over Mike's shirt and
Mike dropped him and backed up in horror. Kris held
out his thick arm's as if asking for help but the
flesh simply melted off the bones and his guts
bubbled out through the liquefied skin.

About five minutes later when Kris finally
died there was chaos once again. Mike felt ligth-
headed and everyone else was sobbing, praying,
and anything else you might do after seeing
demons and everything else the witnessed. Mike
Staggered up the stairs. He needed fresh air. Not
that the decomposition filled air above would be
any better but he felt like he was going to
suffocate. He pushed his way passed his bawling
companions, away from the greasy mess that was
once his good friend and up the stairs. He lurched
above the stairs and landed on the dirt outside.
To his right was a boy in his early teens. His Flesh
had been rent to hell and pentagrams were
carved into his face. His eyes were torn out and
stuffed in his mouth. Mike looked up away so he
never had to look at this atrocity. He looked for
one of the neighboring cities. But something was
different. He couldn't any city's. All he could see
was a Scarlet red cloud. The Cloud seemed to
engulf the country side. It was thick and he
couldn't see past it. The faces in the sky had
stopped and now it just slithered above him like
snakes and worms. Then he noticed something....
The scarlet red mist cloud was moving. The trees
were slowly disappearing into the angry red
cloud. It looked as if it were moving slowly, but
that was because of the Distance. Mike Could tell
it was moving at an alarming speed. He quickly
ran as fast as his legs would carry him down the
long flight of stairs and grabbed Melanie who
was the only left who hadn't fainted again, and
led her to the top.

"What in the hell is that!" Mike yelled.
"Oh my God" Melanie Gasped as her eyes widened in
sheer horror.
The fog had reached the Carthage and is the
scarlet cloud rolled over everything it began
eating through it like acid. The dead bodies began
bubbling in it's mist. The fog also released a fetid
tell tale sweet stench. The same smell Mike had
Smelled back at Pat's house when he was looking
for the dog. This time stronger and more

Down in the deep cellar where they were
hiding Geoff and Roger once again awoke to the
faint sounds of screaming. The screams where
getting closer and closer. "Is that Mike and Mel?"
Roger asked Geoff.
Geoff replied, "It sounds like Mi..."
Then Melanie gave out an ear piercing shriek,
Mike and Melanie came into sight sprinting. Roger
and Geoff didn't see what was following the two,
but didn't need to. They took off farther into
the cellar into the darkness. The ran through a
long dark hallway the smell of the fog strong
behind them. They ran as fast as they could go
but fog was seeming to catch up to them. Right
as they thought they were done for the dark
dank hall came to an abrupt end and the 4 of
them fell.

About 20 feet down they landed in thick yet
almost fragrant liquid. It was clear and the
room was brightly illuminated but by what, they
could not see. It was a deep pool they were in.
Mike guessed about Lake Depth. As they all
emerged at the surface they looked around the
large rock room. there was no floor. But over a
on the other side was large cave in the wall.

"Quick everyone get to that cave", said
Geoff, "I don't want to see what surprises this
place has in store for us". The slowly began
paddling their way through the thick yet
swimmable transparent fluid.

They reached the edge and pulled themselves
up. Mike was still about 15 feet away from the
edge when the others were up. Something caught
Roger's eye on the other side of the room under
the clear liquid rising diagonally towards the
top of the pool of sludge and headed straight for
"Oh God Mike get Moving! Hurry!", Roger screamed.
The others looked and spotted it. Mike began
swimming his fastest through the muck and
reached the edge. He hoisted himself up as quick as
possible and looked out over the pool. He saw
nothing. No Movement.
"What are you talking about?" questioned Mike
"It was just there a minutes ago..." Roger said
with a puzzled looks on his face.

As Mike began pulling is feet out of the slime
something lurched out of the pool and landed
directly on him. It was a large, clear amorphous
mass which Engulfed Mike inside. The others
watched as Mike Struggled to free himself but
was sucked inside the large Gelatinous beast. His
screams came as nothing but bubbles inside of the
sloppy creature. Little organ like things that
were floating in the creature moved their way
towards Mike's thrashing body and began
secreting juices on him. As this fluid went over
Mikes flesh the others could see his struggling
become faster and harder. He was being Digested
Alive. It was over in a matter of minutes. Mike
had been absorbed by a giant Amoebae like thing
and as it finished digesting Mike into a thick
paste, it opened a vacuole and sprayed Mike all
over his friends. They turned and quickly ran as
the creature slumped back into it's liquid pool of
death, with bit's of Mike Soaking into their

The 3 survivors thus far, had no food
nothing to drink but Mike's left over Whiskey.
They were running on nothing but the instinct
to survive. They traveled deeper into the cave.
They occasionally heard Grunting noises and
hisses. But it was too dark to see anything. The
tired gasping group saw Light up ahead. They
quickened their pace until they reached the

They stepped into a large warm room, with an
almost soothing red glow in it. They could see on
the opposite of the room about the length of a
football field a familiar wrecked house. It was
Pat's.Could this be true? Where they almost out?
As they looked around the room they saw if they
were gonna make it they were gonna have one
hell of a time getting there. More winged Demons
as well as Giant Worms were all over the room
crucifying men and women on upside down
crosses. Except all these hideous, ravenous,
abominations were faced away. If They ran, they
could make it out no Problem. Geoff Turned to
Melanie and Roger and whispered "Are you Ready
to go?". They Smiled at each other. All three
looked at their Destination and got ready to
run faster than they ever ran in their lives.

"O.K., one, two..." Roger was interrupted by a
loud cracking sound beside him. he looked over
and Saw Melanie's face give silent, yet awful
wince of pain. She was then thrust against the
wall and her face grated up against the stone
Wall. Every last one of her pretty radiant features was smeared
off onto the stone wall. Her Arm was twisted
behind her back and a Painful angle. Her Screams
filled the cavern and the rest of the Demons
Turned to look at the commotion. Roger tried
grabbing her leg and pulling her away from the
loathsome, shambling Demon. It simply Dug it's
claws into her back. There was a loud sound as
her ribs were snapped and her skin peeled. She was
Unconscious as she was drug down the black
corridor leaving nothing behind but a slick trail
of blood. All Was quiet.

The other demons ignored the two trapped
humans and watched intently into the dark.
Roger and Geoff watched and listened. They heard
something like the rustling in a pile of leaves.
They saw something emerging from the shadows.
It wasn't the Demon it was... Melanie?? How could
this be? Her once pretty face was still ground up and her arm
snapped. She lurched and heaved forward with
awkwardness emitting guttural noises from the
hanging mass where her facial features once
were. Something was very wrong with this.

Roger walked towards her ignoring the
malformed jittering giants. As he approached she
put out her arm and gripped him by the throat.
Her hand squeezed tighter and Roger's air Pipe
severe. She never stopped there, Oh No, She kept
squeezing. there was a tight sound like a string
popping as His Jugular severed and his tendons
ripped in half. She squeezed until her hand was
firmly gripped around his spine which she snapped
like a twig. His neck fountained crimson viscous
blood all over Geoff and the chattering demons.
The grotesque creatures began turning their
attention towards Geoff and the Hideous worms
began crawling his way.

Without even thinking Twice, Geoff ran to
the opening where the sun light was pouring in.
his heart thumping in his chest as the Demon's
roared a horrid cacophony as he made his way to
the door. He was suddenly slammed into the
ground as something jumped on his back. He flipped
over sending whatever it was tumbling off. He
looked over at what it was. it was Melanie. Well
it was the thing that used to be Melanie. The
demons and worms watched as this brutal
creation tried to kill Geoff. He saw Burn marks in
the shape of inverted crosses burned into her
throat and arms. He filled with rage at what
they had done to all his friends. They had
murdered and tortured them, and even turned
one against him! He grabbed the zombie and sunk
his teeth into it's throat and chewed into the
vocal chords and ripped them out. this Zombie
could obviously feel pain because it grabbed it's
throat and began writing in pain.
"You God damn sack of shit!" roared Geoff as he
got on top of the zombie and rammed his fist in
the ripped out throat. "Give me my friends back
you bastards!", he hissed as he began ripping pieces
out of the zombie's body. His vision cloudy with
white hot rage as he proceeded to rip the throat
contents out and throw it back at the dying
zombie's face.

Geoff turned around to see one of the
Demons flying at him. It's oversized mouth
stretched to mammoth proportions, as if it as
going to swallow a truck. As it dove at him He
quickly dodges out of the way and the creature
flew out into the sunlight. It Burst into flames
and let out a deafening screech.
"That's it!", he said excitedly to himself, "I need
to get out there and I'm safe."
He got up to make the dash to the opening but
felt a sharp pain run through his hand. It was the
Zombie Melanie. She had grabbed his hand and was
crushing. he could hear the sounds of his bones
snapping like the sound of someone stepping on
twigs in the forest. He wrenched his twisted,
broken hand free and ran. He made it. He was out
in the sunlight. He was safe.

What Now. The wretched Hive Over Carthage
still stood. The ground was still spewing flames.
The Blasphemous demons still roamed in there. He
needed to get Help. He had to Obliterate these
things. Little did he know Satan had other

To be Continued...

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